pips or Leanne?

news on check in thread. it will be a 22/23 feb baby
after all that i think i may go for a sleep :shock:
how are you all doing? pip xx
aww Pips,

you must be getting so frustrated after all this time,...... lm frustrated my baby is not here! lts due tomorrow lol!! You never know,...it may come over the weekend??????

Hope everyone else is well,......

Love Fluffy. xx :lol:
Man Pip I really thought you had gone into labor!! I know you must be done by now!! I'm done and it isnt even my time yet!! :D :D You never know you may go in this weekend!

xoxo Ree
my piece of advice: if either of you go overdue leave messages on your answering machine or msn for people to leave you alone, because if phone calls were bad before the due date , they get hurrendous after!!!!

i doubt if i will be in before monday, my cervix was too far back apparently (???), but friends have been great reminding me that this time next week i will have this baby! i guess even if i don't get the birth i was planning on the long run i don't care because the most important thing is this baby comes, and that it's healthy and all (i'm probably saying this beacause i'm dozy with tiredness and monday i will be regretting it :lol: )

both of you are due quite soon (fingers crossed for you fluffy..!)
my! it's exciting.. lots of wee babies waiting to be born
so i'm waiting on your news as well
take care, pip xxx
Aww thanks Pips!!

How do you stay sane being a week overdue? its driving me crazy that baby has not made an appearance on the due date. l know you should not set your heart on baby coming on or before the due date,... but my oh my is it frustrating?

Just sat here typing and my belly is rumbling like a thunderstorm lol! l have eaten too!!

Fluffy. xx :lol:
awww Pips...your doing so well hun, wont be long....this time next week!
Keep smilling.
I was gutted i couldnt have the birth i wanted, but like you say as long as she is safe . Dont be disheartened.
Keep us posted hun xxxxxxxx
lol fluffy!!

HAPPY DUE DATE! just make it a good day because even if it's not the day of the birth, it's a date you've been relying on for 9months now!
midwife said it's very common for 1st babies to come between 3 and 7 days after due date, so you're still ok! it will come anytime soon..

i've now moved on to the section beyond that.. that's why i was down yesterday
i've decided that whatever happens this weekend is not going to be a waste of time: today a friend is coming round with good films and books and i'm going to make pancakes. tomorrow i will try and study, keep my mind off things.
the top of my head may come off on monday though :lol:

have you seen mel had her wee girl? i'm so happy for her and can't wait to hear the story.. xx
thanks hels! i guess i shouldn't be so selfish and think that there are women who are worse than me out there.. at least i know it will be ok eventually

i just can't wait to post on new arrivals... can't face 1st year with baby anymore :oops: :lol:

how's the wee one? xxx
Awww....PiPs still sending those labor vibes to you!!!! I can't imagine what it's like to go overdue as I go early everytime min. of 2wks early max. 6wks but I'm sure it's one of the most fustrating and uncomfortable feeling to have. Just keep saying to yourself only a few days left just think this time next week you'll have your LO in your arms!!!!

xoxo Ree
Ree, if that's right then you really don't have that long to wait!! you must be getting so excited... :D

well this is my last day (sunday) at home babyless and it's really bizarre to think that! oh my... and then i will see my wee fishy on the scan screen once again before holding it for real. i know it's coming but i still can't fully imagine what it will be like

good night, and possibly catch up with you tomorrow! :)
Actually YES I am very excited!!!! We can not wait!!! It seems like the first time everytime!!! :D :D

I'm sure your excitement is going through the roof right about now!! It's no longer a matter of weeks or days it's now a matter HOURS!! :shock: :D WooHoo!! You are the next one to have a LO and of course I am still sending you those labor vibes!!!

xoxo Ree

P.S. Hopefully you won't be checking in with us tomorrow!!! :wink: :wink:
Good luck for tommorrow....is it still induction day?
I hope all goes well...were all really looking forward to hearing your story hun.
Enjoy your day today!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
yup! i'm in tomorrow at 4p.m to start the fun.. oooer
so i'll be on the forum tomorrow morn freaking my wee head off!!! lol

who do you think will be the next to have their LO then??

and i'm sorry hels for that soppy PM, i was all emotional last night :oops:
ree how many children do you already have?

thanks again for your daily messages, it's good to feel someone is with me during that LONG wait xxx
It wasnt soppy!!!!!
It must be a weird feeling to actually know for defo that the party is gonna get started tommorrow!
will prob catch you tommorrow am then to wish you luck! xx
Good luck Pips for tomorrow,...hope it all goes well,...... yeah, for me still no baby either.

l really do feel for you honey as its driving me berserk with this wait,...sure you feel worse having been waiting over a week now!!

Fluffy. xx :lol:
Hey PiPs,

So apparently my vibes weren't working but that won't stop I'm still sending them to you. My prediction is you will be the next one to have your LO!!! (with any luck you will be) :D :D

DH and I have 5 together I have 4 and he has 1 are you sitting down and ready?? OK He has a 20yr old girl named Allysun and I have an 11yr old boy named Zachary a.k.a Zack, a 10 yr old (B-day is TODAY!!! :D ) boy named Joseph a.k.a. Joey, a 8yr old boy named Tyler a.k.a Ty and a 6yr old princess named Victoria a.k.a Tori and now our new addition an unborn little angel named Abigale a.k.a Abbie! Oh yeah and a partrige in a pear tree!!! :D :wink: :D

And just for the record we are sooooo done!!!!! :D :D
We'll be with you until the end!! No worries about that! :wink:

xoxo Ree
GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROWS INDUCTION. its not too bad gettin induced. once youve had the pessaries, if thats how theyre doing it, its the waiting for the pains, they start managable then start to get more painfull. thats when you ask for drugs!!!!! if your planning on drugs. my advice is to go as long as possible without drugs, take as much pain as u can, makes things a little more interesting rather than sitting waiting for things to happen. i had diamorphine injection in leg, leg stilll hurts now and again. i was flying high once i had that and slept for about 2 hours. during which i had my show and my head waters broke. worst thing pips is the feling of needing to go for a number 2. it was the most weird feeling, i kept going to toliet and thinking god this isnt natural. so prepare yourself. when your in labour it is a bad pain, if you can try bouncing on a birthing ball when you get contractions, it REALLY helped me. took away the bearing down feeling!!!
i will be thinking of you, let us know asap!!!! hope everything goes well and before u know it youl be home with bubbs and starting a whole new chapter in your life!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
am sitting at my computer going mad 8) :twisted: :lol: :shock: :oops:

i can't take the wait any longer and can't wait to take that DAMNED ticker off too! it's driving me insane

sorry am posting rubbish, will try something more serious in the morning

am lost for words now.. just want to jump around the place but everyone is sleeping so i doubt they'd appreciate too much noise :evil:

ah well hope you're all sleeping tight.. xxx

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