Pinkymum's labour watch!! **updated** Emily is here!

Stay positive pinky and keep at it, it sounds like u really are doing a great job. Really hope u manage to get a decent sleep and wake up to things speeding up. Everything crossed for u. Lots of luck xxxx
Keep goin Hun! The more you soldier at home the less work to do in hospital! You're doin so well babe!! She'll be here soon xxx
Come on pinky! You can do this! Keep your strength up by eating lots of high energy foods too. I think today will definitely be the day!
Thank you girls, finding this tough and apparently I'm not even in established labour yet. Called the midwives unit at 3am just for advice, the woman was quite rude but I was very assertive. She said by the sounds of things I didn't sound like I'm in established labour.
I had spoken to a mw a few hours earlier from the same unit and she said at 4am this morning I had the right to ask for induction as I am now prolonged rupture of membranes, then the other midwife said there was no point in calling the other ward to ask and to call mw unit if I hadn't gone into proper labour by midday.
I've managed to dose on and off but waking up with the pain.
Really trying to stay positive but finding the length of this difficult. Oh and another moan, I've ran out of gaviscon, and the acid reflux is stopping me from eating. Surely the end has to come soon! I'm not even excited anymore :(

Oh no pinky! Keep going lovely, your have Emily soon. How long are your contractions and how long they lasting for? x x
Aww Hun really hope it won't be much longer for you xx
Oh no pinky! Keep going lovely, your have Emily soon. How long are your contractions and how long they lasting for? x x

They're about every 5/6 minutes and the longest theyre lasting for is about 3 minutes. That horrible mw laughed at me when I said that. I think its more the fact that I'm not progressing therefore the pain probably seems worse than it is.


Keep going hunny, sending you lots of labour dust :dust::dust::dust: Come on Baby Emily, you need to come and meet your mummy.
I know it wont help now but once you have Emily in your arms you will forget all about the pain x x

Bloody hell, your doing well!! Every 5-6mins is really good! How much longer do you think your wait? If you think you can't cope, go in Hun x x
Oh Hun :hug: just remember she is definately coming out! And every contraction is bringig her that bit closer! I know how frustrating it is, Katie took forever to come! Is your hurting partner with you? Send her out for some co-codamol! It over the counter and they won't sell you it if you're preg, but it's safe to take in labour! Our midwives advised us to send someone else out to get some! Might help you grab a bit more sleep xx
Oh and, they'll have had their shift change at the hospital now! Might get someone a bit more sympathetic! Ad, to try as help cheer you up, I've got a date ;)
You are doing brill hun! Don't worry about the midwife she sounds like a bitch laughing at you.

You must be shattered Xx
your doing fantastic hun, you will meet emily soon :) would a midwife come out to check you today just so you know whats happening? or how far away is the hospital maybe you could nip in to get checked? make sure you try to eat hun you are going to need your energy can some 1 pop out to grab you some gaviscon?
Oh and, they'll have had their shift change at the hospital now! Might get someone a bit more sympathetic! Ad, to try as help cheer you up, I've got a date ;)

woo wonder which 1 its is :)
You're doing great Pinky. All this hard work now makes the last stage that much easier.

Just remember, each contraction brings you closer to little Emily. Just picture her beautiful face and kissing her every time you feel like you are struggling. It makes it so much more manageable xx
Sounds like you are doing very well at home. I am hope things start progressing quickly soon! xx
It won't be long now hun and Emily will be so worth it all! Good luck and I hope things progress quickly for you xxx
your doing great! keep it up, hopefully not much longer :).

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