pink spotting :(


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:cry: Im so worried!

Woke up this morning to pink spotting, and its exactly the same day and stage in pregnancy near enough that I started bleeding last time except it was brown :(

We did have sex last night and there wasa few occassions where he was abit rough, sorry for the tmi but the pink was mixed in with seman and after about 20 mins is gone.

Very light but scary all the same!

There is not point ringing epu as its sunday and I will just be sitting round for hours to be told to go home, but I will my midwife in the morning.

Im so scared :(
alot of women bleed after sex, also i would recomend you don't be as rough and possitble cut down on it simply cas you had a mc before, i refused to sleep with my hubby in the first 3 months :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i'd deffo ring your midwife hope your ok hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Thanks hun, yeah I will ring her in the morning.

I had a missed miscarriage before so im just worried its happening again and sex has just started it off again :(
Tasha20 said:
:hug: Thanks hun, yeah I will ring her in the morning.

I had a missed miscarriage before so im just worried its happening again and sex has just started it off again :(
i know hun, just be more careful when having sex, i'm sure it won't of started it off again :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: but i'd deffo call the midwife just for a bit of reassurance and they might let you have a early scan to help reassure you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i'm sure eveything is ok this time and the pink was just from having sex, has it gone now?
Try not to worry overly hun. If it stopped so soon its highly likely it was because you had sex and it irritated your cervix.

Chat to your MW tomorrow but if you have no more spotting in the meantime I'd take that as a good sign.
:hug: Thanks

Yes it has stopped it was just mixed in with last nights stuff.

I am not experiencing any cramping or anything but I wasnt last time so for me thats nothing to go by, I do still feel a few symptoms just not that much.

I know its probably fine but I just have that niggle :(
Try not to worry hun, i had the same thing after having sex when pg with hope, had some spotting myself a few days ago although not due to sex, it was one wipe then that was it, hope your ok :hug:
Aw hon I think you'll be ok. It sounds like you should calm sexy time down a teensy bit to stop you worrying, plenty of time for the fun stuff after the LO is born!!! Glad to hear the spotting has stopped and everything I've read pink is ok isn't it? Try to relax today and put your feet up (as much as you can with Oli)

Lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Thanks hun, yeah it has stopped so im sure its ok, just so annoyed that this has happened because it just worries the hell out of me :(

OH is home so he can help out today
I caved and rang our epu!

She was lovely and very nice and has booked me in for 9.30am on Tuesday for a check and a scan.

:pray: I am so praying everything is ok, im so worried!!!
Try and take it easy for the rest of the day.

I hope everything is okay, I am sure it will be.
Tasha I am sure its from the bedding - I wouldn't bother for a while honey :hug: Glad the EPU were understanding and take it easy until Tuesday if you can :hug:

Jane x
Hi Tasha - glad you have your appt. I think it unlikely there's anything to worry about - pink suggests a very small amount of fresh blood, which would indicate that a) there's very little bleeding, b) it happened very recently and c) it hasn't travelled very far. All three of these things make cervical irritation most likely. If it happens once, it's likely to happen again, so you will probably be advised to abstain from intercourse for the first trimester - it's not harmful (the cells around the cervix are more sensitive) but if you're going to end up panicking every time you have sex, it's probably not worth it! (or is it? :twisted: :lol: )

Even if it turns out that it's not the cervix, there's probably still no reason to worry. Think how much bleeding I've had - a massive bright red bleed that landed me in A&E with soaked-through jeans, and bleeding every day for more than two weeks - and yet for the moment at least, the scans show that the baby is fine, developing normally and with a great heartbeat. I know I could still m/c, but if I did, it would be unlikely to be related to the bleeding. Keep your chin up, and stay positive!
Aw like the others have said hun, try not to worry. Good luck with scan, I'm sure everything will be fine :hug: :hug:
:hug: Thank you so much ROM kitty and snuggle!

Kitty you have really reassured me thank you so much :hug:

I will abstain from sex, I dont want to be worrying everytime, hes going to have to wait!

Kitty I am sure you are fine, as you said baby is developing well, I hope I get to see mine developing well too, it will really make my day, year and everything rolled into one! though im sure it wont go as quickly as id like!

I have told OH I am going to rest, it probably didnt do me much good putting her bed together or friday or moving ours :oops:

Will be more careful in the future
Awww hun, good luck at your scan on Tuesday; I am sure everything is fine.
Take it easy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck at your scan , don't worry too much I am sure everything will be fine :hug:
Hpw are you tasha, good news on the scan, i expect you will be ok, and ur oh prob just needs to be more gentle :wink: I wouldnt worry hunny :hug: thinking of you

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