

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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So what's the deal with these little buggers?!

As some of you know, I received a lovely birthday present from my beautiful daughter yesterday in the form a great big juicy pile hanging like a fleshy grape off my ass.

I didn't think much more of it as it wasn't sore, just itchy, and I was too ill to care.

I hadn't noticed any itchiness or anything today, and just had a check, and its gone!! Have I got some sort of roid ridding super power?? Is it normal for them to disappear in a day? Lol.

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Maybe it jumped back in?! :p xx
Lmao jayjay! Funny ! Never had them so not sure where it could have gone! Have you checked your pants lol xxxx
I thought I had them, too! They're nowhere to be seen now.... xx
I had this problem I thought it was piles but turns out that sometimes when we're a little constipated and force ourselves a little it can cause a slight prolapse which causes what looks like a pile to roll out but not roll back in straight away that's why mine didn't itch i could feel it and it was uncomfortable but it's gone back to where it came from now lol
If in doubt ask your GP if the little bogger decides to make another appearance : ) x
As far as I know piles can be internal and external and those that come out can go back in!!! Keep an eye out and see if it rears it's ugly head again!
Lol at roid ridding superpowers. You never fail to make me giggle jayjay!
May be increase your fibre intake alittle may be wise as they're probably waiting to spoil your day again sometime soon, lol , sorry to be the bearer of bad news , lol . Even when they're inside you can still cream them ,enough said .lol xx
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Hey jayjay! Dont worry too much about your little friend.....its perfectly normal for a pile to appear and disappear very quickly. it will possibly pop back out again at some point and then disappear again. its just a little blood clot that swells from straining or aggrevation and its usually not painful and then can calm down and shrink in size either being 'sucked' back in naturally or just shrinking so much that you cant tell where it was anymore.

If you pass blood or are worried about said little friend then always see mw or gp.

Lol thanks everyone.

I'm not sure there's much else I can do, I haven't been constipated at all, and am finding it quite easy to poop, so I haven't been straining. And I eat loads of fruit and veg, and bran flakes, so if I upped my fibre any more it'd be running down my leg lol.

I'm not complaining at all that its gone, quite the opposite lol. But was just surprised that it was there on Monday and gone on Tuesday. And as this was my first pile experience, I just wanted to check I was normal lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
How strange, I think I have experienced the same thing. A couple of days ago I was sure I could feel a small lump just inside but it wasn't painful and then the day after it was gone. x
Oh dear see I have quite solid movements despite eating bacon sandwiches LOL, oh dear. Hope all is well now.
My OH calls it 'the emmaroid'...

I want it gone!! x

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