Photo upload

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I normally can upload my pics by just attaching and I'm trying to seek out all you linespotters out there....
Why wont it work? I've tried to copy but wont paste and the security on my work PC wont let me go onto photobucket. better not post on facebook eh? Can you imagine??? LOL

If anyone want to risk giving me (on private message of course) their mobile number and I can send them the pic from my mobile - I promise I'm not a phsyco :shock:

Maybe whoever can put it up for me or give me their views?? Feel free to :slap:

Friday seems such a loooong way away..... Oh and I had to tell DH that I'm late for AF cos I had to cancel my hospital appointment this morning due to radiation risks
Hi Tracey,

I can't get photos on my phone at the mo, but I was having a nightmare putting pics up the other day so maybe try the following-

Make sure the the file is smaller than 500KB. (Or lowest quality)

Try and save in another format, like PNG.

Good luck!

Its 711 KB how do I make it smaller file?
Ok here is the first one
I see a line Tracey! Very faint but if I tilt my screen back I see it. x x
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Mrs Mc you are wonderful........ Thanks sooooo much

Miss JUly - you think??? Am I going mad??
Yup I see both lines You're not mad hun. I'd try a proper brand in a few days. x x
:gun:I've a CBD in my drawer at home - will I be able to wait till Friday?? I dont want to see that "not pregnant" symbol again......

Oh and I dont want you guys to hate me if its a BFP on cycle 1.....
Lol yes I can, but you might want to get some other opinions as I may be biased, I want to see lines on every single test haha! :)

Try the cheapie again in a few days, if they are true lines in the pics then they should be darker in a few days. x x
Oooh exciting! I can see the lines for sure!

They are faint but I don't have to try really hard to see them!

Congratulations I guess!!?

How many DPO are you?

Tracey if you want to try a branded test you'll be better with a First Response, they are 25miu compared to 50miu on the Clear Blue Digital.

OMG I feel sick..... Thanks Maybe - I'll see if they have first response in local shops here I did not see them in Tesco.

As for DPO I got negative OPK throughout cycle !!! I had coil out on 20th October, AF on 22nd October which makes me on CD32 yeah?

I'm actually shaking.....
Glad this thread is moved - dont wanna upset anyone...... really did not expect anyone to see the lines - thought I was goin mad.....
oh yeah definately much clearer that way, was struggling to see on the other pictures but now i see it clearly!! ooooo, this looks like it could be your month tracey!!! x

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