Petrified of the pushing stage :( FOA 2nd time + mums! :(

I am not a second time mum... yet, but I had a home birth and it was incredibly fast. The first I felt was at 4pm in the afternoon (just twinges), she was born at 8:45. I literally only pushed 2 or 3 times before Ellies head came out. I did tear quite badly (had to transfer to hospital to be sown as the M/W wasn't confident - comments like I am not sure where this bit comes from...), but I think that was because Ellie was 8lb and had her hand on head, I think it was her fingernails that did the most tearing!!! I would highly recommend the homebirth, and really really hope to have one again (though also hopefully without the trip to hospital afterwards this time).

I firmly believe that it was faster because I was at home, more relaxed and more upright, I spent most the time on the exercise ball.
Julie84 said:
jennifer1981 said:
I hated the pushing bit but i can give you a good piece of advice which my midwife did for me? As the head crowned she threw a FREEZING cold bowl of water over my bits and it made me numb for a bit which really did wonders

Surely that can't be good for baby though? :?

Well im not an expert but im sure the midwife has been trained so she wouldn't have done it if it would have harmed the baby.
:hug: Thank you very much for all your replies.

I have to say wow Nicky!! congrats hun!! :dance:

I am definatly feeling a whole lots better and much more confident about it all now, I wil have chat with my midwife when I see her next for any suggestions that she may have, but I think what most of you said about going with my body and trying the raspberry this time will help.

I will try standing up in labour, this is one thing I wasnt able to do last time so will give it ago.

I hope that I get to have my homebirth, would be a dream come true :D

Thank you all again, I really appreciate your help :hug: :hug: :hug:

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