Pessary or drip induction...bubbles just been burst :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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So after getting a date for induction for 11th feb which was a huge relief i spoke to mw today who said as they were trying to push labour along it was more likely theyd put a 24hr pessary in first as using the drip first would prob be too not gd with pain but id rather that than waiting on edge for pessary wen it mite no even work

Anyone whose bn induced either way havd any advice?also im kinda "leaking" but not sure if its my waters or just position of baby pressing on cant examine me as im not 37weeks so she sed keep an eye on pad today an call maternity anyone else experienced like a leaking sensation i dont think im peeing as although its a gd few years since i was a kid i remember wat peeing myself feels like

Thanks ladies xx
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I had the pessary induction, about 8 hours after it went in I had "tightenings" for 5 hours which died off. Following morning, I had 2 rounds of gel, each after 6 hours but they didn't do anything. They then wanted to break my waters and put me on the drip, but they couldn't feel my cervix and couldn't break my waters so I had a c section.

Unfortunately, I didn't want an induction but I was 11 days overdue already. Takes lots of reading material, iPad, iPod, crosswords etc. Xx
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Thanks toni im seeing a diffrent consultant nxt thursday so am hoping i can get round him i had the drip the first time and founfld it ok i just feel they understood thst i needed an end point yo focus on an if the pessary doesnt work its going to b far too stressful i nd my baby here so i know theyre safe as im even more frightened now xx
I had pessary at 9am and then had tightenings at 4pm, another pessary at 6pm and full labour 10pm and water broke. Baby born 11am the next morning. Would have been earlier but she was in bad position so pushing for 4.5 hours! I was 11 days over though so she may have been ready anyway. I hope they listen to you and you get the birth you want. Remember you know your body best xxx
I had iv induction and had a really positive experience. Yes the contractions are full on from start to finish but if you don't know any different right? Labour was 5 hours start to finish and only had gas and air for pushing part and believe me I'm a wimp haha!
Thanks bubbles and t84 good to hear the different stories ....t84 can i ask wat the reason was for them using iv?i was passing muconium which mw says was a compromise of my waters which is why they wud use the drip....they did hav to turn the drip down as contractions were constant but id honestly prefer the drip as i cant face a potential extra 24hrs of wondering

I managed to charm one consultant sure i can charm another one xx
I was induced with my 1st but didn't need the pessary as I was already dilated. I'd had a sweep 2 days before so think that had helped me along. Was induced due to reduced movements. Was put on the drip at 5.3pm and son was born at 4am. X
Thanks heather

Im monitoring every movement not feeling too good tonight alot of pain right down in pelvis an lower back but i did sleep on a nog that comfy couch for 3hrs gona hav sum food had painkillers movements havent bn as strong but doc mentioned anterior placenta but all i do is sit an hold ma belly feeling for movements :( xx
When I had mine the pessary was one they had to 're do' every 4 or 8 hrs and then after the third try they had to leave you a day or something. That's why they changed to this '24hr' one so they only have to insert it once in 24hrs rather than 3 times in 24hrs.

With my first (induced at 37+0 with OC) I had the pessary at 9am. At 10am I got my first contraction, by 2pm I was in active/established labour, and gave birth at 6.41pm that evening.
No drip.
Second time I was induced at 37+0 again, got the same type of pessary at 3pm (they were trialing the new ProPess then but as I reacted quickly to the other one they agreeed to use that again on me), within 10 minutes I was having contractions.
At 7pm I was over 3cm so moved from induction ward to a delivery room, and she was born at 10.08pm. Again, no drip.

From what I gather, the drip can make contractions more intense and cause baby to become distressed which is what can cause them to pass meconium whilst still in the womb.
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Pain in your back, hips and/or pelvis could be early contractions.
Good luck!!
It was my 3rd time in for reduced movements and I was 41 weeks so they just induced me. I did find the drip intense and it did end up an assisted delivery. 2nd time my waters went after a sweep but no contractions. But while waiting to go on the birth suite they started but not regular. But I managed to get them to keep me off the drip even tho they was pushing for me to go on it to speed it up. Baby was born 3 hours later natural with no drip. Doctors are defiantly more forceful than midwifes ! X
Thanks phoenix thats helpful to hear ur labour wasnt all that long wi pessary my first wi the drip was 11hrs from start to finish so hoping they will do same again they turned the drip down due to intense contractions but id already passed muconium before i went in i just cant face the possibility of an extra day closer to 38weeks being induced at 37+4 bloods for OC have gone up again so im hoping they wont risk waiting im choked wi cold but that cud b cos im tired an run down xx
Yeh the doc im seeing on thursday is the one that sed to deliver sooner rather than later and tbh im struggling alot wi my breathing even tho ive dropped a bit cud b thd colx but having to sit up as feel like chest is being crushed wen i lie down an im not lying flat xx
Oh I hope you feel better soon.

With my second she was born in November. The day before the scheduled induction I started with a cold. The day I went in to have her I felt so rough, I looked awful, could barely breathe (blocked nose), I was so pale, and had spots and blotchy skin due to the cold.
Funnily though, all the symptoms pretty much cleared up the minute she was born lol.
Im sure i felt like this with elise ive just bn to the loo ended up being sick an shaking quite badly back in bed sitting up as my breathing is awful i have a narrow ribcage at the top anyway due to a genetic condition i feel absolutely awful had no real interest in dinner but forced it down xx
Sorry just seen your reply kaz. I had strep b with my first and my waters had broke but wasn't contracting as such. Because I was already 2-3cm tho they agreed drip was the quickest and safest for baby seen as I had the strep b x
Oh god ive heard strep b is awful sure my friend had that too - my argument for them using the drip even if itl b painful is that my bloids for OC have gone up an it was ths reason i requested induction an i feel that if pessary doesny work thats another day closer to 38weeks an my nerves jus cant handle it xx
Strep b isn't too bad when it's caught. I felt really looked after because of it and felt they were in control. I've requested they test me this time at 36 weeks too but they wouldn't routinely :shock:!

I think go with your gut and stick to your guns when you speak to mw or consultant about your fears and reasons. I always say I would rather the 5 hours intense pain I had (drip had to be reduced a few times cos they were coming too hard and fast!) than have a long drawn out less painful labour. Good luck whatever you decide x
Im just over 36weeks but not bn offered strep b routinely so far or last time i was on drip for 11hrs with rlise and yhat was with some waters having gone so cant see it being any worse and the pain will pass the maternity hospital hav bn geeat an listened to all my fears xn realli took them on board so im sure this consultant will too im gonna ask mw to recheck bloods for OC tomorrow so on thursday hd has an up to date value will keep u posted xx

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