Pesky bladder issues


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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Right about now I feel like my bladder is owned by Thames water. It's quite frustrating, as soon as I aquire a warm spot in bed I need to get up n go to the toilet.
If I drink I need to pee....if I don't drink I need to pee.
I guess it doesn't help that over the last week or so I'm super thirsty.
But I find that I can only sleep a maximum of 4 hours at a time before I need to get up n go toilet. Hence why I'm on here at some dodgy hours of the morning.

Anyone elses bladder malfunctioning?
Oh yeah I've had to do nightly pees from about 20 weeks! And as you say, even if you dont drink you still need to pee! Can't win. It's really too uncomfortable to sleep when you need to go, even just a dribble.
Ahhhh that's the one that baffles me. I feel like I'm bursting to go n when I get there its a dribble. It's so wrong n really uncomfy. If I don't go my bump goes rock hard n becomes painful so I'm forced to waddle to then loo :(
I find that I have bigger wees during the night! I'll have the, I'm desperate for a wee feeling during the day then only a bit will come out but at night there's loads! I wonder if it's my water retention that comes out a little at night?
It varies for me but either way its sleep breaking.
During the day I thought where I drank more I'd be peeing more but that's never the case.
I wonder if it's cos baby is head down n headbutting my bladder :/
I'm going to make you jealous an say I've been so so so lucky with bladder issues! I started waking up for 1 pee a night at around 24 weeks, and that has turned into an early morning pee and that's all! I don't really need it more than usual or anything, I drink a lot and if I say so myself I ace bloody good pelvic floor muscles (years of horse riding and that only stopped about 3 weeks ago) which keeps me in shape lol - I am
Very glad I dont need a wee all the time! X
I'm going to make you jealous an say I've been so so so lucky with bladder issues! I started waking up for 1 pee a night at around 24 weeks, and that has turned into an early morning pee and that's all! I don't really need it more than usual or anything, I drink a lot and if I say so myself I ace bloody good pelvic floor muscles (years of horse riding and that only stopped about 3 weeks ago) which keeps me in shape lol - I am
Very glad I dont need a wee all the time! X

Oh yeah rub it in luv Looooooooooooool.
Luckily my PFM are in good nick but my bladder has no manners or anything. I never used to pee like a fountain it's only since he has been head down.
Ur so lucky. I didnt think you could do horse riding whilst pregnant. No fair :(
lol - the worst for me is getting up, having a huge pee, wiping then dribbling straight after!!!
It's worse in the night cos I don't notice dribbling, I leave the light off in the bathroom during night runs, then in the morning notice little wee spots on the seat from my dribbles. Can't moan at hubby anymore for missing the bowl! LMAO xx
lol yeah thats quite annoying!!

well whether you can ride or not (was told not to) i did :) and i think its helped me stay in good shape! and my horse needs exercise. lol. i have been lucky and didnt fall off whilst pregnant, that could have been interesting! but i love my horsees, not giving them up for anyone, even my own child (because she will be riding with me soon hopefully ) she already has her own pony! x
Until this week I'd been normal in the day, one during the night, but this week I've been up at least 3 times every night for a pee and yesterday when I sneezed a bit pee came out! Hope that doesn't happen again!

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