Period type pains since 8am


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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Well I've had period type pains that come and go since 8am, it's very low like where I would normally have a period pain but on the left side of my bump I get a pain go up my bump it doesn't get tight or anything and I have rang they didn't seem worried at all. It seems to be an uncomfortable pain and get sharp and go away....I haven't lost anything down low except part of my plug which I've been losing for weeks any way but not today I did have a leak but I think it was cm. so that's my day so far, I have had paracetamol and it's not eased off I thought I was constipated but been the toilet a few times and they haven't gone away or eased off much xxx
If your belly isn't going hard and only in one area, it might be baby engaging? It can be pretty uncomfortable as they move down and only gets worse the bigger they get and the further they push!! It does often feel like period pains. Try not worry but as always if you need reassurance, your midwife is there �� xxx
I did feel something odd before too part of my bump hurt like an ache but not had it again. Just a worrier haha xxx
Im having the exact same symptoms as you today. Between period cranping and feeling like i need to go to the loo. Horrendous back pains too also cramps at tgh tops of my legs shooting right down. Last night i was up every half hr/hr needing to pee due to baby being so low pushing on my bladder. Not comfortable at all today sympathizing with you :( i could moan on but i think thats enough for now haha xx
Early stages of labour was like that for me. I had cramp from like 8pm-12pm gradually getting worse.

I was induced though.

Keep an eye on it, if the pain is coming in bursts - could be contractions. Could also been baby engaging as others have said.

Claire xxxx
Haha me and you both what're we like? I don't know what tightenings are but I'm sure I'd know right? Okay maybe not cause I can feel the top of my bump go hard sort of. I just want the period pain feeling to feck off haha I've been up since 1am but managed to nod off again but woke up with this it's odd that the shooting pain is up my left side only though xxx
Arghhh Clare! Don't say that haha I'm joking but it has been on and off for hours so I did ring but if the midwives aren't concerned then I'm sure I'll be okay baby's active still xxx
Perhaps its braxton hicks. Mine did this before but youd know as your bump goes rock hard.

Most probably just positioning of the baby.

Fingers crossed it is I'll keep and eye on it and ring the antenatal unit back if it's still persistent xxx
Trust me, when you're in labour you'll know. You're just gonna stress yourself out trying to spot every little symptom and drive yourself crazy (I'm already doing that and I want to cry all the time). Just relax and enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy, stop worrying.

I've been having period pains for the past week. Hoping it's just baby engaging/ Braxton hicks x
Sounds like it could be BH if your bump is going hard. Im getting these quite often now and they definately getting more painful! I duno how im going to cope with the real thing haha! Have your pains eased any? My SIL took my son out for the day so iv went back to bed to relax. Still no luck sleeping. Hoping if i keep myself upnow il get a good sleep tonight! Xx
No the pains are still there and I ended up coughing violently by getting food caught and loads of liquid came out which was probably cm I know I didn't pee haha xxx
I'm getting the same kind of pain. I had my last doctor appointment today and still no change. However on my way home we were almost hit by a lady texting and driving and not paying attention causing us to run off the road, anyway as it was happening I tensed up cause I know we were going to get hit (lucky we didn't). Now those pains are worst omg.
Wow you know that's weird that happened to us yesterday we had to swing around a car that just stopped on a 60mph road and I tensed and they got worse and I've had them all day now still on and off and not budging had a bath used my ball walked the lot nothing. Xxx
Does it feel like a pulled muscle? You both should definately get checked. If you still have regular movementsall should be fine. But its just for peace of mind xx
Not anything like a pulled muscle :( I wish it's like period pains that get a bit worse and then go away and come back and it's been like that all day for me I rang the midwife unit and she just didn't seem arsed in all honesty but I get a shooting pain up my left side and I'm still getting them even using my birthing ball and after a bath and everything it's just not shifting, we didn't have to break hard we managed to just get around but I was scared and I had the period type cramps for a few hours before that. I'll ring again tomorrow if it doesn't ease off tonight had paracetamol it's just not helping hot water bottle too is a waste of time xxx
Id definately ring again and i wouldnt settle till i got checked. Is there any pattern or r they getting stronger? Zx
It's been the same pattern all day period pains then they'll stop I'll get a sharp shoot up the left side and now I've got pressure down low. In gonna try and sleep though as I feel utterly exhausted now and can't sleep to do much or settle I've not had any leaks or anything down low that I've noticed anyway but heart burn is horrific as per xxx
Wow violet that is something. I just a nap they aren't as bad as they were but they are still there. Seem like yours are worst you should get checked out. I might still go be seen just for a peace of mind. Baby still moving and active so that makes me feel good. Good luck to you!

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