Honestly hun, I don't think you're in labour or if you are it's the very early stages. It sounds really know-it-all but it's true that when it's contractions, you just know. There's no mistaking them at all. It could be ligament pain, baby engaging, braxton hicks or all three! You could have this for the next 6 weeks, unfortunately until you're having full blown contractions, nothing else is a definite indicator that baby is imminent.
A couple of the August mums, myself included, have had false labours with intense contractions that have stopped, period pains, bump aches, hard bumps, sore bumps, the lot and unfortunately baby hasn't made an appearance yet. I don't want to put a downer on your excitement but I think you're working yourself up and symptom spotting things that are completely normal in late pregnancy and, unfortunately, only get worse! We've all done it and we still do, this is baby #2 for me and I've been analysing every twinge, pain, feeling and tightening, all it's done is lead to the green eyed monster on my part and bucket loads of crying cus my wee man isn't here yet. It's just not worth it.
Take a step back and relax sweets, baby will come when he's ready and you will 100%, without a doubt know that he is coming. You won't be able to talk, walk, nothing. Until then, take a deep breath and chill.