Period type pains since 8am

Aw hun :( i hope you have managed to get some rest. Please ring in the morning if it hasnt settled to get checked out xx
I'm going in today, the pains are still there! I managed to sleep though just about. But I've gotten up its 6:20am so I'm keeping an eye on the cramps but baby has been active and I'm ravenous in all honesty so making myself scrambled eggs on toast and will go up at 8:30am when they open for the day. Thanks ladies will keep you posted I did ring again and different midwife still didn't seem overly concerned but they are a bit more sharp but still lingering xxx
I've rang and told them the cramps and pains are still there but they said not to come in till 3 today incase it goes away. I feel odd my tummy feels like someone's pushing on it not baby but it feels tight low down on my bump. I've ended up tidying up as well as I hate sitting about and I had a pressure/pinch sensation down low inside its really hard to describe xxx
How did you get on at the hospital? Hope everything's ok x
They didn't even check me not pelvic wise just said to see how I go they had too many women in....I'm absolutely appalled. The cramps have gotten worse and moved up to lower abdomen not so much hips xxx
I should be its just getting worse as time goes on and honestly I think baby is gonna make a show soon these don't feel right xxx
Are they in your back or front? How often are they coming now? When did you last have a urine test? When I had an infection I got painful tightenings in my lower tummy as the infection can bring on strong Brixton hicks x
I had a urine test Monday, still in the front but have an occasional back ache pain which quickly goes but when I stand up its unbelieveably sore but it's been constant except for going away briefly at 5pm today same yesterday I've had it 2 days straight but it started Wednesday afternoon and went but came back Thursday at 8am xxx
Does sound odd. Could you see your community midwife over the weekend? X
Honestly hun, I don't think you're in labour or if you are it's the very early stages. It sounds really know-it-all but it's true that when it's contractions, you just know. There's no mistaking them at all. It could be ligament pain, baby engaging, braxton hicks or all three! You could have this for the next 6 weeks, unfortunately until you're having full blown contractions, nothing else is a definite indicator that baby is imminent.

A couple of the August mums, myself included, have had false labours with intense contractions that have stopped, period pains, bump aches, hard bumps, sore bumps, the lot and unfortunately baby hasn't made an appearance yet. I don't want to put a downer on your excitement but I think you're working yourself up and symptom spotting things that are completely normal in late pregnancy and, unfortunately, only get worse! We've all done it and we still do, this is baby #2 for me and I've been analysing every twinge, pain, feeling and tightening, all it's done is lead to the green eyed monster on my part and bucket loads of crying cus my wee man isn't here yet. It's just not worth it.

Take a step back and relax sweets, baby will come when he's ready and you will 100%, without a doubt know that he is coming. You won't be able to talk, walk, nothing. Until then, take a deep breath and chill.

I'm not getting excited I'm worried. I always worry but then again I am chilling now gonna have another bath and an early night see how I am over the weekend and get checked if I need to just to put my mind at ease. It's just so uncomfortable I've barely slept and I'm just fed up at this point. I'll see how I go and go get checked if by Monday it's still bothering me. Xxx thanks Hun it doesn't sound no it all in the slightest it just helps that I can talk to you all xxx

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