Hi ladies,
I'm 9 weeks today and 3 days ago I was getting some sticky brown discharge. Rang the EPU & she didnt seem too concerned and told me to call back in a week if it was still continuing.
Last night before bed I was a bit crampy and went to the loo - dark red blood like 1st or 2nd day or my period. Distraught did even come close. I'm 35 & its my 1st pregnancy thats taken 7 months.
Poor OH had to do a mad dash to Tesco at midnight as I only have tampons! Couple of trip to the loo in the night, still big smears of dark red blood on tissue - no tissue or clots tho.
Woke up, a fair smear on the pad but definitely not soaked and this morning I'm still crampy but bleeding has eased off.
EPU is of he "what will be will be" school of thought, they wont see me or intervene, which I do understand but my 1st scan isn't due for another 4 weeks and I can't go on like this
So I have paid for an early scan this afternoon - at least I'll know either way.
anyone have any wise words, or experience of the above (good or bad) please leave a comment
Thanks for reading and I hope you are all well this morning
I'm 9 weeks today and 3 days ago I was getting some sticky brown discharge. Rang the EPU & she didnt seem too concerned and told me to call back in a week if it was still continuing.
Last night before bed I was a bit crampy and went to the loo - dark red blood like 1st or 2nd day or my period. Distraught did even come close. I'm 35 & its my 1st pregnancy thats taken 7 months.
Poor OH had to do a mad dash to Tesco at midnight as I only have tampons! Couple of trip to the loo in the night, still big smears of dark red blood on tissue - no tissue or clots tho.
Woke up, a fair smear on the pad but definitely not soaked and this morning I'm still crampy but bleeding has eased off.
EPU is of he "what will be will be" school of thought, they wont see me or intervene, which I do understand but my 1st scan isn't due for another 4 weeks and I can't go on like this
So I have paid for an early scan this afternoon - at least I'll know either way.
anyone have any wise words, or experience of the above (good or bad) please leave a comment
Thanks for reading and I hope you are all well this morning