bleeding 9 weeks

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2010
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hi ladies so as you can tell from above i'm bleeding again its around the same time as what i had 4 weeks ago so i guessing as its the same and no pain that i having some sort of period again this month. do you think i should call my midwife or wait till the epu is open on tues to book a scan?

help much appreciated :lol:
i would call just to give some reassurance and advice if nothing else hope all is o.k hun
thanks i'll see if it stops tonight if not i'll call in the morning
Definatly call mw or epu honey x I'd call whether it stops or not tbh chick just to make myself feel better/reassured x
Hope you're ok :hug: I agree I'd call too just to see what they advise, but if you're not in pain and it's 4 weeks after the last bleed it sounds like it's just bleeding at around the time your period would be due :hug:
I've had heavy to light bleeding throughout my pregnancy so i know how scary it can be. It doesnt always mean the worst though so try not to worry.

Mine is from a low lying placenta but the baby is doing fine and i've been quite lucky as i've had a few extra scans :) My poor MW has been kept busy but she has always said to contact her to make sure baby is ok.

phoned the hospital this morning and got through to the community midwifes and they basically said that they wouldn't see me unless i was over 20 weeks they just said either go to a and e or call an out of hrs doc but either way nothing will get done there and then and they more than likely will say the same as last time that if i am misscarrying theres nothing they can do bout it so do i book a privite scan? how much do they cost? and where does these around the west midlands area?
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