Perinneal massage


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry if spelt wrong, but what is this!
The leaflet the midwife gave is awful!
I understand why to do it, but how and where?? I'm not keen but obv want to help my chances of less tearing
LOl! I've been told about this and given instructions but I just can't bring myself to do that and really don't know how I would reach... I'm kinda leaving that place to itself at the moment!
Exactly, I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels wierd about it. I wouldn't know where though
Me neither! I have to say I'm not the most familiar with that part of my anatomy...
Haha I know! And when I asked was just told, its the perrinea, but I don't know what that is!! Grrr
it's the bit between your fanny and your bum and no i wont be reaching in there lol
its literally that lil bit of skin between your bumhole and your foof.
More commonly known as the Chin Rest if that helps :D
I never did it couldn't reach cos of spd etc and mw didn't seemed bothered I did have a epiostomy and 3rd degree tear but he was a forceps delivery

Managed to get DH to do it twice for me so far - tried myself a couple of times too - easiest when you are in the bath or if you put a foot up on something - will admit it is difficult to reach
My oh won't do it either, thought he would jump at the chance! I will look at that link later, guess I have few weeks to prepare myself mentally lol

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