people are mean at times:( hugs please?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Obviously,being the age I am i've been getting the odd negative comment etc from people,and so far it hadn't bothered me too much.Then today I heard that someone I'd considered to be a nice,friendly aquaintance had made some nasty comments abot me,one of which was "It's terrible,Rebekah doesn't even have a pram for that child" (I have a lovely pram,but for going out to shops etc I prefer to use the baby carrier) She also mentioned that in her opinion I was "totally stupid" to have kept my daughter,instead of terminating the pregnancy.She also made much of the fact that I'd only turned 16 a few months before having Willow.One of my friends also said that this girl had asked her "why are you not pregnant yet,sure Rebekah had a baby and you have to copy everything she does"

This has really quite hurt me,though I know I shouldn't let myself be annoyed by it.maybe it's just cause I've been feeling a bit meh in general today.I don't see why people have to come out with these horrible comments-I've never been anything but nice to this girl. :( :(
awwww :hug: :hug: just ignore them people like that are arrogant

have lots of hugs

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
ignore them, age is no matter, youre a great mummy and thats all that counts, they are probably jelous, youre doing a fab job hun :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

The best revenge is to be a good mum :wink:

My mum was 17 when she had me, I was 19 when I had DS and my sisters varied from 17 to 25 - guess which one can't cope :wink:

I couldn't afford a new pram when I had DS (things were a lot more expensive then) - so what? He was happy enough in his second hand one. And is someone chooses to copy you - how is that your fault - that's actually an insult to the other girl not you.

You'll be a good mum, you'll cope and your daughter will gain strength and a good role model from the way you cope and your attitude to life :hug:
:twisted: people can be so nasty. It's normally when they don't have a life of their own though so they have to comment on others

:hug: :hug:
:( I'm sorry she made you feel like that but pay no attention, nasty old wrinkly

small minded people like that only make rude personal comment about people because there own life's are so empty and boreing that ripping apart others is the only thing that they have to live for.

These sort of people usually end up miserable and alone. You have something that she never will. A life and the love of your baby.

Ignore her she sounds like a total b****

:hug: :hug:
dont let it effect you.. just because you dont meet up to someone elses stupid morals doesnt make you a bad person..

you know you provide for the baby.. love, warmth,food,care etc etc etc.. someone who needs to slag someone else off for kicks is very very shallow.. and your better than them..
:hug: :hug: :hug: omg how can people say stuff like that? :(
take no notice of the nasty slag!
obviously she dosent have an interesting life of her own...

Really dont let it get you down hunny,your messege comes across that your a very mature, inteligent individual. You are obviously way above her.

:hug: :hug:
Thanks everybody :D I feel much better now,after having a good rant on the forum,on the phone to my boyfriend,and on MSN to my bestfriend :D people like that aren't worth my time
:hug: :hug: :hug:

there jealous hun. you have a beautiful baby, thats all that matters.

you take your baby out how you want. you want to use the sling, then use it, thats your choice, if they want to think you dont have a pram let them think it, you dont even need a pram anyway, no one really does until there babies get abit heavy hehe.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
People can be so vile :shock:
Usually they are lacking something in their lives......
Rise above stupid comments and ignore them :D :hug:
Sod em!

They obviously have nothing bnetter to do then talk about others. Your decisions are right for you you dont need to justifiy them to nobody!!

xx :hug:
awww, I am so sorry someone has made you feel like that! They have no right. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i know it can be hard hun but you just have to ignore them. small minded people.

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