peeps head around the door


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Hello ladies :wave: can I join you?

Can't believe I got my bfp today (at 11.30am and after drinking 3 cups of tea cos I was bored at work!!). We are quietly excited after what happened last time and :pray: all goes well.

Don't just peep in woman,come in and grab a seat by the fire!!! I'm so pleased for you hun, best of luck :pray: :dance: :dance:
Thank you sweetie, I'm so chuffed for you too :cheer: *pulls up stool and warms self by fire*

After all we went through a few months ago I hope :pray: we both have a healthy pregnancy :hug:
yay! congratulations and welcome to first tri! :hug: xx
gosh there are loads of us in here who lost towards end of last year and now pregnant again! me, you, babysols, buddabun, babyblonde...

babyblonde is leading us down the path of hope! :) :) :)

hannah ur ticker says 3 weeks 4 days thats only 11dpo! and u got bfp after 3 cups of tea?? wow maybe ur carrying twins :shhh: :shock:
trixipaws said:
gosh there are loads of us in here who lost towards end of last year and now pregnant again! me, you, babysols, buddabun, babyblonde...

babyblonde is leading us down the path of hope! :) :) :)

hannah ur ticker says 3 weeks 4 days thats only 11dpo! and u got bfp after 3 cups of tea?? wow maybe ur carrying twins :shhh: :shock:

That's what I was thinking, it's great that we've all managed to fall pregnant again so quickly.

I reckon I ov'd on the 31st Jan as got 2 +ve opk's the days before. I'm amazed I got a bfp after 3 cups of tea (mind you, they were spaced out over a couple of hours) and have another test just incase it was a false positive. My SIL's convinced i'll have twins too :shock: Bugger that, esp after seeing buddabun's fruit pics :rotfl:
I bloody KNEW it :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Congratulations I am absolutely CHUFFED for you :D

I knew you'd get your BFP this month. Somehow I just knew it :D

I am grinning like a cheshire cat for you hon congratulations :cheer: :cheer:

And yes, double cantaloupes does sound rather frightening :lol: But rest assured you will deliver earlier with twins.

YAY! well done :D
Thank you sweetie :hug:

I've been symptom spotting like mad the last week and driving myself crazy. I was so adament i wouldn't test until af due day but caved yesterday!! I did another test this morning with a clearblue digital and that said pregnant too :cheer: it's so satisfying seeing it in letters isn't it?

Wow, I can't believe we all managed to get pregnant so soon after our m/c's, that's so awesome ~ YaY us!!

I'm fat enough already without the possibility of twins!!! Just the one Mrs Wembly! :rotfl:
Aww bless ya. I tested 2 days before AF this month as I just knew. I was 4 weeks exactly then so I didn't feel so naughty testing but you just need confirmation of what you know don't you?

It's amazing to see "Pregnant" written down like that :D I woke Mr B up at 0330 to tell him (I couldn't hold in my FMU any more :lol:)

I've been pregnant 3 times in 4 months now :shock: Mental.

It is nice to have lots of us in first tri who were in the m/c forum together as well. Am so chuffed for babyblonde!
Yay - congratulations! Hope you have a healthy and happy 9 months :hug:
Congratulations Hannah!

I keep popping back to Tri1 to see if you were back and I'm thrilled for you. So glad you managed to get pregnant again so quickly and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I'm sure everything will be fine this time.

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