

Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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OMG is anyone else fed up with peeing so often?!

I swear that I pee more in a day now than I used to annually!! I feel like I'm about to unleash a waterfall...then trickle...trickle...flippin trickle!! Then about 20 mins later (if I'm lucky I even have that time gap) of I go again!! Groan :roll:
Exactly the same here!! Can be very annoying when out and about! x
I know how you feel, it is worse at night when I'm trying to sleep though. :(. just don't lie on your back coz that makes it even worse!
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Yes I'm sick of going up and down the stairs to the toilet. Doesn't help that the ankle I sprained in April last year hurts again.
Think I may camp out in the shower from now on ;)

Aw its awful isn't it!!! I am always sure i am BURSTING then i go and dribble! So annoying...i feel like i don't get all the pee out. I'm worrying for my scan because of this too. Having to drink water AND hold it for an hour...:( x
Me too, plus the midwife said I had to drink more! Grr!
The toilet is now my new home!! Well it might as well be anyway lol I'm the same as you Shauna, i'm dreading holding all that water in for our scan on Friday!! It was bad enough at 12 weeks!! I've decided i'm going to drink it slowly over the space of an hour beforehand and then try and make myself busy with the ironing or something lol xxx
It gets worse ladies :lol:
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The toilet is now my new home!! Well it might as well be anyway lol I'm the same as you Shauna, i'm dreading holding all that water in for our scan on Friday!! It was bad enough at 12 weeks!! I've decided i'm going to drink it slowly over the space of an hour beforehand and then try and make myself busy with the ironing or something lol xxx

Me too i am going to sip it x
i went to the cinema with my OH at weekend and honestly no lie from when i sat down to when the film started i went to the toilet 4 times cause i kept thinking i was bursting and each time hardly anything then when the film started i was scared to even sip my slush puppy incase i needed.. Half way through i gave in had a huge gulp then ten minutes later bursting followed by a toilet dash and hardly anything lol soo annoying x

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