PCOS, Insufficient glandular tissue and gestational diabetes pregnant with second and desperately w


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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Some of you may remember me from before, my little boy is 7 months, I am 6 weeks with baby number 2. It took us 7 years to conceive DS1 so we are happily shocked.

I have pcos, and had gestational diabetes with my first which was fully controlled with diet alone. I started colostrum harvesting at 36+4.
I was induced at 38+4 due to him measuring 8lb5oz and having one episode of high blood pressure.

He was born at 38+6 and was 7lb11oz. I had a second degree tear, burst blood vessel and was 5milliteres off a PPH. He had one blood sugar reading 0.1 below normal so we were kept in for 12 hours and allowed home the following evening.

The first 24 hours he was glued to my breast and we thought all was well. 2 days after he was born I still didnt feel any signs of my milk coming in and he was visibly hungry, wasnt having dirty nappies but was weeing a sparsely. During this time he was having my backup of colostrum and was glued to my breast for hours on end. By the 4th day he was very very sleepy, wasnt feeding, was just sleeping on my breast. Midwife came round, ordered us to feed him some formula whilst she phoned peadeateics as he was glowing at this point and bilirubin levels were through the roof.

She asked me questions like had my milk come in which I said no I dont think so didnt have any of the typical signs, asked me if I'd had breast changes during pregnancy, no, not at all and had a look at my breast, which are tubular and small and also didnt grow during puberty.

She believed I had insufficient glandular tissue. He drank 15mls of formula and off we went for a night under the lamp and a feeding tube. Whilst in hospital alone with him I cried and pumped cried and pumped. The nurses kept asking me had I felt like my milk had come in and the answer was still no, they assured me it can just take time.

I pumped and pumped and bf him when I was allowed to but I couldn't get anything with the hospital breast pumps and hand expressing I couldn't even fill a 1ml syringe and this was day 5 by now.

Were we sent home the next day and told to keep topping him up with formula. I reached out to health visitors and breastfeeding helpline who said it will eventually come in just keep putting him to the breast and topping him up. On day 8 we ended up back in hosp for 3 night due to me having high blood pressure with no explained cause, monitored for eclampsia and sent home 3 days after with blood pressure tablets for 2 weeks which I am now off and havent had any problems with it since.

We continued to combi feed as due to the pandemic I wasnt offered any help or advice other than 'yes sounds like it's a hormone thing or insufficient glandular tissue but hes healthy so that all that matters so keep doing what your doing'. He struggled with bottles and will only drink from a certain type. He still only takes 3/4oz at a time now and feeds often. I pumped, hand expressed or breastfed every two hours, and triple fed.

By 15 weeks I couldn't even squeeze a drop out, he continued to comfort nurse up untill 5 months when he got two teeth and proceeded to just bite and rip! Not fun he still looks to comfort nurse now but I dont let him as he just gets frustrated and ends up trying to rip my nipple off!

Anyway I've heard that insufficient glandular tissue can get better in a second pregnancy and i was wondering if anyone had any information or suggestions?

I did try fenugreek last time at about 6 weeks but it didn't help at all.

I'm still very early days atm but would like to be prepared this time.

Any suggestions or advice?
I have no advice hun, but if it still doesn't work out, it still doesn't matter how the baby is fed.

I hope your milk will come in this time!x
I have no advice hun, but if it still doesn't work out, it still doesn't matter how the baby is fed.

I hope your milk will come in this time!x

Thanks lovely! I know! It made me seriously depressed last time. I think it was bevause he wanted and still wants tr boob so much. He still tried every day for it now!

IGT can apparently get better with a second 9pregnancy so fingers crossed xx
So my story is pretty similar - I don’t have tubular breasts, but my breasts were tiny and never grew in my first pregnancy. When she was born my milk did come in, but it was a piddly amount. I mix fed until she was 6ish weeks old when we switched to 100% formula because there wasn’t enough breastmilk to bother.

I got pregnant again when baby 1 was 12mo old. My boobs grew a lot in the second pregnancy. From an A to a D cup! Baby 2 is now 7 weeks old and I am happy to say I have a much better milk supply! I still don’t have enough milk to exclusively breastfeed, but her diet is 80% breastmilk, only needs 1-2 bottles of formula a day (she’s also 90th percentile for weight - I think if she was the same size as my first bub I’d be able to exclusively breastfeed her). So yes you definitely can have completely different experiences with different pregnancies :)

I think with tubular breasts though, there is a good chance you might have the same problem again. Don’t put yourself through all that stress again if it’s not working!
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So my story is pretty similar - I don’t have tubular breasts, but my breasts were tiny and never grew in my first pregnancy. When she was born my milk did come in, but it was a piddly amount. I mix fed until she was 6ish weeks old when we switched to 100% formula because there wasn’t enough breastmilk to bother.

I got pregnant again when baby 1 was 12mo old. My boobs grew a lot in the second pregnancy. From an A to a D cup! Baby 2 is now 7 weeks old and I am happy to say I have a much better milk supply! I still don’t have enough milk to exclusively breastfeed, but her diet is 80% breastmilk, only needs 1-2 bottles of formula a day (she’s also 90th percentile for weight - I think if she was the same size as my first bub I’d be able to exclusively breastfeed her). So yes you definitely can have completely different experiences with different pregnancies :)

I think with tubular breasts though, there is a good chance you might have the same problem again. Don’t put yourself through all that stress again if it’s not working!

Thanks WW!

Its horrible. Glad to hear you had a positive second experience! I would have loved to be able to feed luke even a quarter of his milk but I literally couldn't even fill a 1ml syringe. It's so rubbish thinking you can't produce what they need.

Still early days atm, I'm 6+4 today had abit of spotting this morning but I'm not too worried. Had it up to 20 weeks with Luke. I've left the midwife a messege but she probably won't get back till monday ans when she probably won't be bothered. She was very lax about it last time. Xx
Thanks WW!

Its horrible. Glad to hear you had a positive second experience! I would have loved to be able to feed luke even a quarter of his milk but I literally couldn't even fill a 1ml syringe. It's so rubbish thinking you can't produce what they need.

Still early days atm, I'm 6+4 today had abit of spotting this morning but I'm not too worried. Had it up to 20 weeks with Luke. I've left the midwife a messege but she probably won't get back till monday ans when she probably won't be bothered. She was very lax about it last time. Xx

I understand, I was really sad that I couldn’t give Winter any breastmilk. I could pump 5ml from each breast with her - not much use. I’m a lot more relaxed about it this time. Breastmilk is great but formula is also good. My goal was to breastfeed until she’d had her 6 week jabs, and we made it, so any longer is a bonus to me.

Spotting in pregnancy must be really scary, I hope it’s nothing and it stops soon! Do you have any nausea etc yet? x
I understand, I was really sad that I couldn’t give Winter any breastmilk. I could pump 5ml from each breast with her - not much use. I’m a lot more relaxed about it this time. Breastmilk is great but formula is also good. My goal was to breastfeed until she’d had her 6 week jabs, and we made it, so any longer is a bonus to me.

Spotting in pregnancy must be really scary, I hope it’s nothing and it stops soon! Do you have any nausea etc yet? x

I had nausea that started on tuesday and had been really bad and then dissapeared yesterday which is making me even more paranoid, but with my LB I didnt have any nausea at all.

My nipples have stopped being sore to but they were on and off with my LB so I shouldn't worry really.

I've left a messege for midwife anyway but I cant see her sending me fir a scan.

Not had any spotting since xx

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