Awwww thanks everyone for all your replies
I feel better about it now, i guess theres nothing we can do about it and we'll just deal with whatever happens the best we can - they are always making developments in glaucoma treatments, like the ops my husband is going thru will hopefully mean he wont have to take medication any more and no future ops, and the fact that they will be looking out for it should minimise any problems. i think they can detect it before birth but we both decided we wouldnt have that test, well the only reason would be if it would help the docs detect it earlier i guess but there would be no question of not keeping it.
Libs coincidently i was born with talipese in both feet so i know what you must have gone through!!! I dont know if mine was severe, but i had to have a load of ops when i was younger, but now you would never know apart from the scars, hope youre little one is doing ok!
I feel better about it now, i guess theres nothing we can do about it and we'll just deal with whatever happens the best we can - they are always making developments in glaucoma treatments, like the ops my husband is going thru will hopefully mean he wont have to take medication any more and no future ops, and the fact that they will be looking out for it should minimise any problems. i think they can detect it before birth but we both decided we wouldnt have that test, well the only reason would be if it would help the docs detect it earlier i guess but there would be no question of not keeping it.
Your husband quite obviously has an excellent quality of life, even with the operations etc.
As my first child had severe talipes (club feet) I know I have a slightly increased risk of another child with the same. It means years of physio, strapping and up to 4 ops. Am I not going to have another child? Course I am.
Libs coincidently i was born with talipese in both feet so i know what you must have gone through!!! I dont know if mine was severe, but i had to have a load of ops when i was younger, but now you would never know apart from the scars, hope youre little one is doing ok!