Not sure if you read what happened to me. But for an entire week I believed my pregnancy was failing or had failed due to the doctors giving incorrect results. For that whole week I didn't feel 1 pregnancy symptom.other than sore boobs and I put that down to the impending period I was sure to have. I think a lot is in the mind. Since my pregnancy has progressed, I still have sore boobs (all the time) i get nauseaus in the morning and at other points during the day, and I have to get up in the night to go pee now but that's it. The increase in apetite for me is just me making an excuse to eat as much as I can to make up for that 1 week that I ate terribly. I think it is natural to worry about your pregnancy. Especially if it's your first time. But your body is an amazing machine that is doing so much that you don't see try to think positve thought only. And concentrate on silly stuff like counting your babies fingers and toes when they're born. Smelling their baby smell and all the nappies you'll have to change. Be happy. If you feel it, the baby feels it xxxx