

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Hey all,
Finally starting to get some pains done below, like period pains but a lot sharper and they take my breath away. They only last a few mins and pass. I was up most of the night and they have been with me on and off all day. Rang mw but she just thinks its body getting ready and not contractions (which is such a shame). Just wondered if anyone else is or has been in this much pain with a similar thing? x
Not got any advice hun, but really hope its the start of things! :)
Ooh sorry I'm no help regareds labour, had all planned sections,, really hope it's you starting off tho hun, think it's def your turn now! X
Really hope this is the start of things for you!!!
I have had period cramps since last night felt the baby really move then like a thidding sensation then since them period cramps but not loss of plug or anything to accompany it and still got a foot in the ribs very painful today
Sounds similar to what I got about a day b4 I went into labour wiv my last son xx
I think your on your way. I have had period pain for the last week but very on and off. It sounds way too regular in your case not to be surely?
Im still here ladies, just cant believe it. Been up 3 nights now and the pains get as regular as every 8 mins last night and then went back to every half hour. Ive been having what has got to be contractions, they take my breath away. Been like this since sat night now and im warn out, had no idea labour could be like this. I just keep getting excited thinking this is worth it and baby must be coming now, but then it doesnt progress! xx

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