Painful feet esp heels, anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Went to the supermarket this evening and after 20 mins or so my feet feel like I've broken all the bones in them and really hurt. It hurts more to stand than to shuffle and also getting sharp electric type pains in the arches and heel. Does anyone know what it is? I am finding I can walk less and less, 20 minutes on my feet shouldn't affect me surely, I have put a lot of weight on since being pregnant, maybe it's related? xx
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i get really painful ankles and feet too......even after being on them for not long they ache so much xx
My feet hurt after half an hour in my uggs! Can't do heels at all.
I feel like an old woman, sore feet, hips and backache,pins and needles in both hands, constipation, indigestion, heartburn, windy and stiff all over........ what a sexy chick I am :D xxx
after an hour or so of being on my feet mine feel like they usually do after a full day of shopping - they sort of throb/fizz if you know what i mean x
i am the height of sexyness at the moment.....i just found a bit of rice in my bra from about 2 hours xx
i am the height of sexyness at the moment.....i just found a bit of rice in my bra from about 2 hours xx

Sorry couldn't help but laugh at this!! Lol I'm always dropping food down my boobs I think well where did that come from!! Lmao
You can get insoles that absorb impact when you are walking, they might help. They are gel ones, Boots do them xxxxxxxx
This could be plantar facilitus I think its spelt. lol. Its referred to as policemans foot. I had it a few years ago. The best thing I can recommend is rolling your foot over a tin of hairspray or something similar. The rolling stretches the ligaments and muscles out and the cold really helps the pain.

Samsgirl - That cracked me up!! I find all sorts down mine particularly since they have grown in size and I have more of a cleavage for things to fall down. x
Vikki, if it's more a sharp pain that you're feeling rather than general discomfort / aching, it may be something which my Mum would call "bony spurs" - I can't remember the proper medical term; ask the nurse next time you're at your surgery if it doesn't improve. I don't know what can be done for it but it may help to get some thick insoles or something?
Put my message on at the same time as Leanne - I think bony spurs / policeman's foot / policeman's helmet are all the same thing.
Think I might call the physio at work tomorrow and get myself to see her just in case. I do wear insoles for collapsed metatarsals with heels, the last time I had awful problems with my feet it was a damaged disc in my lumbar spine.... oh the joys of pregnancy :D

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