Pain when BFing


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I'm used to sore nipples but recently, I've got another pain that started after doing a lot of expressing and feeding to try to improve my milk supply. It's just on one side and it's like as Eleanor feeds, a muscle or tendon is being pulled just below my shoulder blade. The pain radiates around my ribcage to my boob and is very uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it likely to be due to technique?
I dont know about too much expressing or technique but thrush can cause boob pain and sore nipples. It's like a deep pain in your boob that can last after feeding. Has your LO got any white spots on tongue or in mouth? It's prob not it and im sure someone can post better answers but it's just a thought xx
I had that too... I was told it was my "let down".. although I'm not sure it was. I think it was more that my BF bra was blocking a duct, it was one of those that has a hole for the nipple... when i changed my bra to a different style or took it off, it went away...

It may be a different pain, but thought I should let you know because around about that time I developed mastitis on that side, just keep an eye on it!

I had this for a while - It felt like she was sucking so hard she was pulling me inside out. I put it down to her having a growth spurt and increasing my supply. When I mentioned it to the HV she wasn't concerned. It did settle down on its after a while (maybe a week or so - difficult to remember exactly) though. I would just keep an eye out for signs of mastitis and see if it settles down - if not do you have a lacation specialist/breastfeeding support near you?
I had what your exctly what your explaining too, it seems to have dissapeared in the past few days though. Mine was like an aching muscle and quite sore at times, it's gone now though so hopefully your will too :D

Alex xxx
Ive had this a few times it bloody hurt i found massaging the boob relived some of the pain i actully found expressing relieved the pain :think: it only happend a few times at the start ive not had it since :D
hope the pain stops soon hun :hug: :hug: if your worried mention it to you HV

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