pain after mc tmi alert


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hey there, as you know I mc on tuesday evening at home whilst waiting to go into hospital on the wednesday for a d nc. My question has two bits to it; 1. Wheb does the emotion stop being so raw. - was in the shower when I passed my baby. I just crouchewd there screaming for my husband as I held the tiny baby in my hand. I can't stop seeing it, that moment, the relaisation that my little persaon was no morem. 2. Pain physically. I didn't have much cramping, just mild period pains. I am nbow on a course of antibiotics, but my uterous feels as if it is going to fall out of me, I feel heavy and sore there whewn I wee! Help!! Sorry for the tmi post xxxx
Oh hun!! I am sorry you had to experience that, I cant imagine how traumatic it would have been for you :hug: :(

Its good that you have anti bs to prevent/treat any infection you might have. I didn't have much pain as such after mine, I just felt like I do when I get heavy periods. I hope the physical part is over very soon gor you sweetheart.

As for the emotional side, it gets easier with time hun, I reckon it was about a month before I stopped thinking about it everyday. Keep yourself busy if you can and talk about it if you need to.

Thinking of you xx
oh hunny, what a traumatic experience for u :hugs:

As for the physical pain after my mc i was only a few days that i can remember, with just the usual heaviness of a period feeling.

The emotional side of the loss is a difficult one, i think it was at a month before I stopped bursting into tears every 5mins if i thought about it. But now even nearly 4 months down the line, i keep reliving the moment I was told I would mc and i the actual night of my mc. Its still hurts like hell, but I can control my emotions a bit more now. But I am still crying about it a least twice a week!!

much love hun :hugs: xxx
Daniph, I am so sorry you're having to go through this, you certainly don't deserve it. My mc happened much earlier and I was in lots of pain for a couple of days while I passed the clots and tissue. After that I just had what seemed like a normal period for 10ish days.

Emotionally I felt really strong straight after but then slowly crumbled and it took me a good month to bounce back properly. I guess it's different for everyone though and you just need to take each day as it comes. Don't rush yourself babe.

Stay strong x
Omg, I really am so so sorry it happened for you that way :( how traumatic. I went to the toilet every time I felt something pass as I couldn't bear to see anything :( I really hope u are ok. Physically, I still had pains and cramps and that 'heavy' feeling up til recently, about 3 weeks in total before my body felt normal again. And the pain is still very raw but getting less so as time goes on. I don't think that pain will ever go away though, it's just learning to try to get used to our loss. Hope you are coping ok xxxx
Oh hun, that sounds so awful, :hugs:

I would say the emotional pain takes a while, i felt like i was making progress somedays and others i fell apart, dont expect too much of yourself.

thinking of you :hugs:

pmg hun that sounds horrific. I had pain and cramps for a few days after a medical management which might be different to yours. the emotional pain seem to hit everyone differently hun, and there is no right or wrong! :hug: thinking of you xx
Dear God dani my heart broke when I read this. You poor thing! Words can only ease the pain a little hun but please know we are all right behind you every step of the way. Anything at all please come here and let it all out.
My love goes out to you and your family xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Dani that sounds awful, nothing like actually seeing your loss and holding it your hand to make it really ring home!

For me, it was about 2 wks both times that my head kind of felt normal ish again, like that black cloud had lifted.
Still sad of course but I could put on a brave face.
(first 2 wks all I did pretty much was cry!! - but getting it ll out def helps the healing)

Now 5 wks on, my first AF has been and gone and I feel positive, then a moment of sadness will hit me and Ill feel down again. It is a constant roller coaster of emotions that I dont think ever really goes away.
Because I do feel fine, but my heart still hurts. and that how I felt 9 months after my first one. xxx
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Oh i'm so sorry Dani, that must have been awful for you and your family to have to go through that.

Take care of yourself sweetie xx
Just to echo what everyone else has said hun,

Firstly I am so sorry you had to go through something so awful. Any type of M/C is horrible but what you went through sounds so very upsetting - all I can do is send you big cyber hugs.

If you have any doubts about what is going on physically make sure you go to your EPU (or GP) just to be on the safe side!

As for the emotional side of things - how long is a piece of string?

I did a lot of grieving whilst waiting for my M/C to occur (it was a threatened M/C for 3 weeks before becomming an actual M/C) so when mine happened I was actually felt relief as well as sadness - that sounds awful does it? But my point is we're all different so it is hard to give an answer.

You need to take time to grieve for you loss my dear, however long it takes.

I wish you lots of love and hope that in time to come you begin to feel a little better

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Dani how are you doing? Hope the pain has eased. Have you got time off work? :hug:
Hun, everyone is different. As every mc is different. Physically I remember pain and then bleeding but I was such an emotional wreck now it more seems like a blur. I remember going to the hospital and screaming in tears at everyone. The nurses rushing over to calm me down. The pain of the relisation that my baby had gone. Mentally I tried to heal fast, but I couldn't, I was diagnosed with depression after and still months later found it so hard to have anything to do with babies. All I wanted was to ttc again asap to fill that massive void in me. And it just wouldn't happen. Made the pain 10 times worse. Each month imagining the size they'd be. For me personally although the pain eases even after 8 months its still so raw. My baby would be due in 3 weeks. And even tho I'm pregnant again, it still seems so unfair. Someone put something on fb about national baby and infant loss awareness day yesterday and I burst out crying. I was 19 when I lost my baby so much pain.

I know this isn't an uplifitng post , but everyone kept wanting me to be okay when tbh I needed time to cry and feel shit about what happened! I to saw my baby not the same as u cuz I was 6 weeks but I still see it so vividly in my head.

Time will heal babe. Physically I healed very quick. But make sure u look after yourself. We're all here!

I really hope it happens again quickly for you! And wishing you lots of luck and love for the future hun xxxxx
aww hun i am so sorry you hasd to go through that :hugs: i had cramping like a havy period for a week after i lost baby ( i was 14 weeks ) everyone is unique, the greieving process is very raw and a month down the line for me i still get it hit me in the face and i am in bits but it DOES get easier. Its hard to believe but it does

I cant offer any advise, but i just wanted to send you a massive :hug: and lots of love xxxxx
just seen that, i hope you feel much better by now :hug:

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