TTC after MC


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Hi all,

Since my mc on 13th oct, I've been ttc again....had my af on 13 nov, so around now should be time of ovulation. I've been 'trying' as much as is possible since af, as don't really know when ovulation will occur for definite. I don't really understand why I am feeling as though it just isn't going to happen?! I keep looking for any pregnancy symptoms, usually my breasts would swell and become tender within about a week of conceiving. But I have had nothing, and am really anxious that there is something wrong!
I know it can take some people's bodies a while to recover after a mc....but I keep thinking how quickly I fell pregnant the first two times (it only took one go!). My OH keeps telling me to stop thinking about it, and be positive, usually I am a positive person but I have this lingering feeling that I can't get pregnant now! xx
:hug: everything crossed it happens for you. a bit of time on here and you realise everyone symptoms vary every time they get pregnant so there are no right or wrong symptoms. I'm sure your OH is right but equally sure that doesn't help your state of mind! I'm sure there is nothing wrong just try and stay chilled and 'think happy thoughts' for the next few days before you test. fx xxxxx
I commented on your other post Hun. Hope you get your BFP soon
i have been feeling like that and been ttc after MMC since september, remember hun ur body has been thru alot and needs time, just keep ur hope and it will happen hunny xxx buy some OPKS and start testing for wen u ovulate to put ur mind at rest, theres nothing up with you hunny it just takes time :hugs:

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