Own room?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Sorry ladies I know this has been asked before but I cant find it unless Im being a numpty. Alyssia is a month old today and OH thinks we should be putting her in her own room now. I know its reccomended at 6 months. Im not so sure if we should.

She is a really noisy sleeper (grunts groans and cries in her sleep!)and seems to sleep better when we are not there. During the day I put her in her moses basket in her cot in her room and we have a camera monitor so I can see and hear her which she is fine with. So is this wrong to be doing at night? Our house is not massive either.

Im just really worried what do you think or what have you done?

Im not sure to be honest, but if you do that anyway during the day I dont see why not during the night.. Im unsure though as I havent got any children
They say 6 months as the risk of sids drop then as babys breathing has matured. Before then they hear you breathing through the night and mimic it. NOt sure where I read that tho so could be wrong. To be honest the risk of sids.is low anyway so if you are both comfortable moving baby into own room then do it. Drake is still in with up but he is up for feeds 3 times a night minimum and I can't face trapsing into his room for them!
Hey hunni didnt wanna read and run, its a personal choice i think tbh whatever your comfortable with

Myself i didnt put my girls in their own rooms til they were a yr old but that was purely selfish reasons :) xx
My Stanley was in his big cot about 6 weeks and in alfies room by 10 weeks I think...its entirely upto you and what you feel confortable with xx
I think it's a personal choice. I didn't follow the guidelines. Alice went in her own room at a couple of weeks old. We were disturbing her when we went to bed so it was best for her. She was fine. Only you know what's best for your LO x
I agree, I think it's personal choice and what you feel comfortable with. Like hemera says, the guidelines are 6 months due to SIDS risk, but the risk is low and if you have monitors on her, I'm sure she will be fine.

Colby will probably be in our room for a while longer but that's just because I'm bf and it's easier than having to get up and go into the nursery
Agree with the girls personal choice all Mine have been noisy sleepers. Stuck it out for 5 weeks with my eldest then hv told me to put him in own room so I got more sleep ! Both Kian and Rhea were in their own room at 2 days old !! Xxx

I agree it's what you r happy with. Holly went into her own room at about 11 weeks. Didn't put her in moses basket in there just went straight in to cot after having daytime naps in cot. Tbh I find the monitor makes her breathing and movements sound louder than when she was in with us lol.
I still have Ella in with me in her cot but I think it's because I'm such a paranoid person I wake four or five times a night and listen out for her breathing - Shes been sleeping through for over a month now so I could easily put her in her own room I'm just not personally ready to xx
Pringle, I do this too lol, he breaths so quietly sometimes I can barely hear him
So does Ella, scares me!! I sometimes touch her to get a reaction! Silly isn't it xx
Well Im in two minds definately mainly as OH pointed out this is where she naps during the day and has been fine so whats the difference to the night?? Ive read up on SIDS and its the copying my breathing thing that worries me. She sleeps on her back, sometimes goes down with a dummy and we swaddle her the monitors has the room temperature so we know how hot or cold the room is. Arghhhhh think its me misisng her LOL
Our LO is still with us in our room and will be for the forseable future or until we move house. If we could move her to her own room then I probably still wouldn't do it until 6 months as I prefer to have her close to us and she's not a particularly noisy sleeper. Right now though our bedroom is on the second floor and is the only room on that floor so having her own room would mean either serious rearranging of large furniture or moving her to a different floor and I'm definitely not OK with that :).
I have just recently put my lo in his room and he is almost 12 months. Obviously the risks of sids needs to be considered but also night feeding and will you be sat up all night watching monitor worrying? I wake up at every little noise lo makes and when he has not made noise too I put him in our room one night so I could get a nights sleep.

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Just out of interest are your LO always in the same room as you when they nap?? XX
Colby goes in his cot though the day, but I always end up checking on him throughout his nap.
My lo was always with us when nap until about 7 months but that wasn't cos I was worried about sids to be honest I hadn't thought about it.

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