Ovulation test positive yesterday, negative today - normal?


Dec 3, 2010
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My cycle is irregular (since February has ranged from 28-43 days but generally is around 32).

I bought an ovulation kit that said to start testing the day after your period. So I did a test yesterday - which was positive BUT it was only day 10 of my cycle.

I tested today and it was negative.

Could I really have ovulated on day 10???

Thank you for any help!
The answer is yes, you can ovulate on CD10, everyone is different, some even ovulate twice in a cycle! Lucky you!!! Get :bd:

Just a few questions, are you using ebay cheap OPKs or it it a frist response or clear blue (branded) ?? Is the line same or stronger than control line? If the answer is yes then the surge has indeed happened. Have you got EWCM? Ha ha what am I like, questions, questions, questions...
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Oh and hi :wave: welcome to forum, I see this is your first post - stay with us here, everyone so nice and you wont feel alone in your TTC journey!!
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THANK YOU! I didn't even know if I posted right (and I'm still new to all the abbreviations!)

First response - 20 tests is the one I'm using.

Usually about 32 day cycle so I was shocked that I could have ovulated on Day 10 - I just hope it wasn't a false positive cos I've got my hopes up now!
Hey babyhopes
Welcome to the forum :)
Just to follow on from Tracey - Get BD'in hun :)
If you go to the main pregnancy forum page, click on "Forum Support & Testing" you with then see a thread titled "Abbreviations and Lingo Explained" - my life saviour at first - you will be a pro in no time!!
Thats difficult cos your cycles are so irregular. Ideally you would test when AF due but as you dont know when this is, maybe 2 weeks after OV - thats why they call it the 2WW (2 week wait) I think sometimes you can get a LH surge and not ovulate so please keep up with the ovulation tests - I recommend getting the ebay cheapies (look at fertility friend on ebay) and they are so cheap you can use them every day and twice a day when you think you're close to OV. Use the first response when you're close for a better result. On the ebay cheappies you can also order up 10mIU pregnancy tests (early testing) and that way you're not spending a fortune on tests!
I did that Tracey, I got myself 15 x 10MIU HPT's & 60 x 20MIU OPK's & cost me about £10 from Amazon, the company they come from is called Home Health, delivery very quick as well & so easy to use & understand
I know yesterday was only CD5 but thought I'd give an OPK a go & got a 2nd line, obviously fainter then the control line but good they work & picking something up, did that at 14:07pm
Forgot to bring another with me today as honestly didn't think I'd get to work but as leaving early will do when I get home
Will do a HPT on the 16th then (I have spent a fortune on them so far so thanks for the tip). And will keep up using the OPK just in case.

Now the 2WW...
Ooooo the 2ww how exciting for you
Keep us posted with any symptoms you have as well :)
good luck......i started to get positives on cd9 last month........so can be early xx
Hi Babyhopes :wave:
Welcome to PF it's ace here.
Now go BD hehe!
welcome Babyhopes and good luck in your TTc journey x x
Hi I'm also a newbie, have been off the pill for a year with no luck, am currently using predictor kits but for the year I've had cycles which range from 26 days to the last two cycles being 37 days so have no idea for ovulation times which is very frustrating!

Also confusing is that I tested yesterday day 8 and got a positive smiley face but this morning it was a negative result ?? Is this normal ? We had been frisky on valentines day the day before ;-)
hi....my cycles are usually 27 days and i started opks in august ,,, the first few cycles i got my positive on day 16 but the last id say 4 cycles i have been getting it on day 10 like you, remember that the positive just shows the surge which means ovulation is about to occur with in the next few days so you could get a positive on day 10 but ovulate on day 11 or 12....... the fact that you got a negative the next day would make me think you had indeed already ovulated but i and others have asked before if a negative after positive means ovulation has occured and nobody really knows without temping. just make sure you bd lots as soon as you get that positive....good luck xx
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