ovulation sticks! does a line mean your O that day?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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I'm an old timer coming back on for advise please :wave:

Right... i should know this as i'm already a mum and used Ovulation sticks to get my little boy... when you get a positive line does that mean your ovulating that day or that you'll be ovulating in the next 24 hours? say you test one morning and you get a line how do you know your not on the end of your ovulation? how long does this period last? if you got a negative one morning then the following morning you get a positive does that mean you've now started ovulating???? :? :?

I want to try for a girl next time so i think we should BD 2 days before Ovulation :? with my little boy we BD as soon as i got a line of my OPK... so now i need to work out pre ovulation... how do i do that? i'm no good with temping...

Help pls.
H x
Hi, the positive line on an OPK usually means that you are going to ovulate within the next 12 to 36 hours, I think it can happen later than that too, and it could happen within a couple of hours. I have had positive OPKs 2 days in a row. I hope this helps.
this is the first month I have used them so im no expert sorry, but mine this month was a weak line which got stronger and then was positive, ive tested since and its been a faint line again which i took as I'd ovulated when it was at it darkest??
Yeah Mrs Brightside, when you had the strongest line, that was the LH surge that happens 12-36 hours approx before the egg is released. So you probably didnt ovulate until the day after your positive test. :)
thanks that makes sense. So when i get a dark line i'll be ovulating either later that day or the next day... so if i test and just get a faint line then we should start trying straight away... when i get a dark line no more BD... and if all goes as easy as the book says! we should have a baby girl.. aparently its that easy... another boy would be just as nice thou!

ive just got to the bit in the book about trying for a girl!!! very interesting reading :)

Well I think ive done it right this month... finally :lol:

baby dust to all

xx xx xx xx
MrsBrightside are you trying for a girl too?... oh good luck! i'll keep watching to see if it all turns out right for you :D . We're not trying till Nov... so got plenty of time to read the book a few times! What book are you reading?

h x
:wave: hi hayley hope you are all well lovely to see you back good luck ttc a girl someone told me an old wives tale for having a girl was to eat plenty of fish :? i dont really like fish which is prob why ive had all boys lol :rotfl: xxxxxxx
Hi Rach.. :wave: :wave: Congratulations on the twins.. 2 little boys! what did you call them? I thought i'd come back on and get to know people before i start trying. I love fish... thats weird because when i was pregnant with jacob i stopped eating meat and lived on fish... all along i thought he was going to be a girl.. but no! My DH has 3 sons from his first marrage so doesn't look like where gonna get a girl but no harm in trying. Another boy would be a friend for jacob. How about you? do you think you'll try for any more? i bet the boys are keeping you busy.
hayley said:
MrsBrightside are you trying for a girl too?... oh good luck! i'll keep watching to see if it all turns out right for you :D . We're not trying till Nov... so got plenty of time to read the book a few times! What book are you reading?

h x

Id like a girl but would be happy with either as its our first... I have been donated more girls clothes then boys so I dont know if thats going to help me or now :lol:

Im busy reading "taking charge of your fertility" by toni weschler have you got it or read it??? its absolutely brilliant, I am very embarrassed to say that I know so little about my body to be honest...

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