Just got positive LH surge - On cycle day 29???


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2006
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I don't know what possessed me to do an ovulation test today as I should get AF arriving any day now (my cycles range from 28 days to 30 days) - currently I am on day 29. But the test line is a lot darker than the control line, which is the most positive I have ever seen.

Does this mean I may have missed AF for this month and I am ovulating early?

My cousin told me that you will always get an LH surge just before AF and just after - is this correct?
i did the same thing on day 30 and got a positive result. i was told opks can act as hpt's. so i took a hpt and got a very faint line. but i will be retestin soon.

so ill pass the advice on to you, take a htp, good luck :D
You don't get an LH surge before and after your AF. You only get it during ovulation time. If you are right near the end of your cycle then you could possibly be pregnant because LH and HCG are very very similiar hormones and OPKs can pick up on the HCG because it is so similiar. The peeonastick.com website described it like HCG and LH are identical twins but HCG is wearing a hat. That's the only difference. So the OPK finds the HCG but a Pregnancy test can't be used as an OPK bc it won't detect the hormone it needs (i.e. using the twin analogy, bc HCG is wearing a hat and LH is not...the HPT needs the hat to show a positive etc.)

So...too make a long story short! You could be pregnant!!! DO A HPT!!!

let us know what happens!
Thanks heaps for your comments - I really want to beleive them but am too scared to do a pregnancy test, just in case it is negative.

If I was pregnant and Implantation only occured on Friday, would it be too soon to test and get a positive? (remembering I am a day ahead of UK)

Still nothing, but I do have pains quite low down. I have decided to do a test on Thursday - 2nd August - hopefully that will be accurate by then.

I am so scared I am reading into this too much.
angela when was your period due hun?

i tested with a hpt 5 days after AF was late and got a very faint positive so i will be retesting tuesday.

hope its the same for you :pray:

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