Sorry for the moan, but I'm feeling pretty pissed off today- I was due my 41 week midwife appointment today, and sweep, which she cancelled, as she had to be in hospital with a labouring patient. Not her fault, but she now won't see me til Wednesday. So I'll be 9 days overdue by the time I get a sweep!! I've been measuring ahead all the way through the pregnancy, and am borderline for GD. There are massive staffing issues at my maternity hospital, and people are being turned away all over the place. I have to deliver on labour ward, due to a haemorrhage and large baby after a drawn out induction last time, so I won't be turned away if I go into labour naturally, but she wants to book my induction for next Saturday. I have begged her to book it for Thursday/ Friday,as I'm petrified that there won't be enough staff, and my induction will be cancelled, but she reckons the consultant(who I've never seen!) Won't go for it. Starting to feel quite down and worried about it all now. When I went in for induction with my daughter, I went in at 11am, had a pessary and monitoring, and literally didn't see anyone again until 8pm. This was on a weekday, without the staffing pressures they have currently. I didn't go into labour until 4am the following day, and didn't deliver until 6pm that night. I'm so worried about being away from my daughter for so long, and the baby just getting bigger and bigger because I'm going over.
Sorry for the rant, just feeling very ignored this time around. X
Sorry for the rant, just feeling very ignored this time around. X