Our LO's birth day...


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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...will definately be on wednesday 24th august!

booked in for a c section next wednesday as her estimated weight is currently 10.2ibs... so excited to meet her :D

only 6 days to go!!

pointless thread i know just wanted to share my excitement!!

How exciting! Good luck next week, wonder if she will be a 10 pounder?
thank you :)

the consultant said they can be wrong by 15-20% so only time will tell!

shes just a little porker!

wow, what a great big baby! hehe
good luck, it must be so exciting to have a day to look forward to....
Oh good luck hun, so exciting!! What a big girl :) xxx
thanks girls :)

i know... we are taking a mixture of sizes to the hospital as all of our newborn clothes only go up to 10lbs!

wow big baby girl x bet you cant wait now x be interesting to see if the weight is right x x good luck hun xxx
Thats exciting at least you can get everything prepared :)
i know i'm intrigued too!

thanks for the support girls... i know it was a pointless thread but i was so excited so your replies mean alot!

Good to hear your news - 10lbs wow! I'm guessing mine will be pretty much the same when i get to your dates, we seem to have similar monster babies (only joking :) I've had a couple of sweeps, but still nothing. I've got a scan the day after my due date - 30th August and I'm guessing we may go the same way. Its great they've made a decision for you, it's so hard just "waiting to see what happens". It's not a pointless thread, I always like to hear updates :) x
Aww how exciting! Must be strange to know what day it's all going to happen on! Takes away some of the stress of worrying when it's going to be

Hope it all goes okay

your right franna... it is hard waiting to see what happens. It took us a while to get a decision out of them which was frustrating but we know they are only doing whats best :)

It does take some of the stress away. I can see it from both sides as it would be nice to have the suprise of labour starting but at the same time i would much rather have a specific day and know she will be born safely.


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