our journey to conceive


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008
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well we failed...again.
we have now being TTC for 15months, which if you consider that we are a generally healthy couple in our early twenties, this is not a good thing. so the time has come for us to do something about it.
Here's a little view of recent events:
November 2008- we do things by the book, this meant BDing every other day around ovulation. i've now been tracking my cycle for over a year and have been pretty regular for around 7 month (a new expereince for me)...this method didnt work.
December 2008- we give it everything we've got, which meant BDing just about everyday all month through, it was rather knackering but we tried as much as we could. that didnt work either.
AF arrived on the 08/01/09 and we decided enough was enough. we sat down and had a lengthy talk about what we were going to do, what we want from life, if we're too young, where this journey would leave it and importantly if our love for each other has whats it takes to survive this journey...we decided it has!
ultimately this conversation led us to conclude that medical help needs to be sought. once my AF finishes (which looks like it could be the next few days) i will make an appointment to see my GP and express my concerns. he knew from day one that we were trying to concieve so this should help.

i hope this will help others in our situation, it is certainly helping us to write it down- so we will be selfish and keep this up to date, like a diary if you will.

so heres to the start of a painful, testing but ultimataly incredible journey.
I know exactly how you feel, we were trying for 20 months before I finally got pregnant and then it didn't work out for us unfortunately. We'd decided to go down the fertility route and I had a 21 day blood test to check if I was actually ovulating but thankfully we didn't have to go any further.

I'm hoping all will be well with you both and it'll just be a case of keep on trying. You never know, once you relax about it all and the stress of ttc goes a little you will find you get pregnant...it always seems to work that way!

Good luck hun :hug:
You could be trying too hard. Try and relax about the whole situation. Stop charting and just let nature take it's course, at least until you get a referral from your Dr. Also, I read somewhere that sex every other day was better than every day, so the sperm have a chance to regenerate (iykwim). Could you afford a weekend away near your most fertile time? Relaxing really can help too. Good luck :hug:
Hi Suzie, read your story, dh and I been ttc 2yrs our story is on chinese food and chart help threads if you fancy a nosey.
I am off to dr tomorrow to see if we can get some help now, for the 1st time sine ttc last week thought we were pregnant had lots of symptoms and feelings but for whatever reason it wasnt meant to be and got af today so think we may be about to embark on the journey that I have dreaded but if that is what it takes then so be it bring it on!! I am hoping that we may fall once we feel something is being done and prob relax a bit which may help like the other ladies have said.
You are so not selfish I feel that way too but I think when your ttc you just feel like your on a rollercoaster of emotions I know I do, I have my sister with a 3yr old boy and 2yr old identical twin boys and my sister in law with 2 girls 1 is 11yrs and 1 is just over a year old and its so hard sometimes when they moan about the kids and all I think is I would love to be in their shoes.
Anyway enough of my waffle and depressing talk sorry.
Good luck with your dr app hope we can both get ball rolling x x :)
Going to the dr's is a must. I'm really surprised you haven't all ready. It could be a simple problem that could be corrected with drugs or there might even be nothing wrong. Get that appointment made, good luck hun :hug:
:hug: :hug:
Remember I'm always here to talk to hun (or to visit :) )

Don't worry too much, I've heard that a lot of TTC-ers become preg when they least expect it because they have relaxed.
And you and Rob are still young so whatever happens you have plenty of time to work through all of the options xxx
It must have been a hard decision for you to make. I really hope everything gets sorted ok :hug:
I hope it happens for you soon, i had a friend who was ttc for 4 years then it just happened she went on to have 3 girls, there was no medical reason why it took so long it was just one of them things. good luck hun. x:
Hi Suzie and every one else, just wondering if you have dr app yet ?

I went this morning 9.10 far to early on my day off! Dr said we more than qualify for help and even had option to choose and book, got app with fertility clinic for 12th of Feb so we will see what happens. The dr said be prepared for lots of poking and proding for me, but I don't care if it helps us, dignity whats that!!!! :lol:

Let me know how you get on seems we may be going to go through this together so help if we can chat and compare notes if thats ok with you :hug:
Aww thanks Lou, I'd love to. Theres only so much i can tell OH without upsetting him/getting on his nerves lol. I've got my doctors appointment for tomorrow afternoon after i finish work so i will let you all know how i get on.

I just want to say thank you to everybody who has posted on here. thank you so much for all your love and support, i sat here reading it with tears in my eyes nodding along to everything that was said.

Hannah- congratualtions. you're an inspiration, its good to know that happy endings exist

Space Angel- no money means no weekends away but its a nice thought. we started on this journey by just 'forgetting' to use contraception and see what happens, we did that for 6 months (and if im honest on and off in the 4 months before we officially started trying), but im sure once things get going we will both relax and nature can take its course.

Lou- i feel the same, most of my friends have kids and i love them so much, but sometimes wonder why can't it be me?

Donna- the reason i didnt go sooner is because if im honest im really scared. obviously i hope for the best, but there is still that worry i will hear the thing i really dont want to hear.

Suzie- Thank you hun, i will bear that in mind. we will have to catch up for a natter again soon. it really does mean alot to me that you would be there for me. we are still young which is why we want to get the ball rolling now (ideally we want 3 or 4 :D )

and thank you to everyone else who wished me luck. i will update tomorrow

love to you all
glad you've got your doctor appointment and hopefully that will give you some answers and maybe you might not like what they say but it could give you an oppurtunity to tke something that could give you a bfp. i really hope it all goes wll for you :pray: :hug:
Cool, good luck tomorrow lay it on a bit, I did today went without make up, puffy eyes etc. I fact looked complete mess ha ha. It seemed to do trick dr was really concerned that I had been upset and we have got things started now so lets see how we go. x x
hello, like you we have spent 15 stressful months ttc. My AF has now become so irregular that i have no clue whats happening anymore. I have had all the blood tests which were all ok and i am now waiting on the Dye Test to see if there are any blockages in my fallopian tubes. I rang the hospital last month and they could not fit me in and now i am waiting for AF to arrive this month so that i can try and get another appt. I might even have this done privately to speed things up. Its frustrating that we are following every rule in the pregnancy book but its just not happening.

good luck and i hope you get your BFP soon
Hi MeME, hope they get you app sorted and you get some luck :hug: :hug: :hug:

Good luck at the doctors. Your post sounds just like how me and DH were, we tried everything and it was so painful to see people getting pregnant so easily. It took us 2 1/2 years to finally get our BFP, it wasn't easy and i still cant believe that i'm now actually quite close to having a real baby!! I just feel so grateful now. I really hope that your appointment goes well today and that you get your BFP very soon.

I dont know if it will help at all, i know i wanted to know as much as possible, i have kept a ttc diary on here too....there is a link below my post.

Good luck :hug:

Michelle x
Hi Suzie :wave: , just wondering how the doctors went today x x
sorry i havent updated for over a week...feeling the credit crunch abit and my brother broke the home PC so its down to my trusty laptop (with the big crack in the screen!)

anyway, doctors went fine last week, as i expected- he agreed it was time to do something. he booked me in from a bloodtest and for OH to do a sperm sample. i went for my blood test on tuesday which was timed to coincide with me ovulating and they couldnt bloody find my veins! i just was not bleeding. even my GP tried. i looked like a pin cushion. so im booked to go back next wednesday (gp said 21 days into the cycle will work too). if they cant get blood then my doctor is gonna send me up to the hospital to have it done (EEk!). im going with OH to see his doctor tomorrow. he's really scared bless him. we have had the odd falling out over it so far but he has come round (after almost backing out!). i undertsand how he's feeling and im tryin so hard to be patient with him. so not alot to say until we get our results. i was worried that my GP would take one look at my figure and say its all down to my weight and not bother testing for anything else, thankfully he didnt even mention it (although i am currently dieting- on day 3!lol)

thanks for all the support girls, shellbham- i will read through your diary, it will help to remind myself im not the only one, thank you x

Hi Suzie :wave: , sorry to hear about the pc!!!

Lets hope they can get some blood next time and regarding hubby I totally understand!!

Mick was so not happy about giving a sample when we did our tests!
I was so pi***d off with him to begin with :wall: and explained that jerking off in to a pot is far less degrading than having smears etc and we did have a few heated debates, but once the dr explained that we are in this together and it's a joint effort he took it onboard and has been fab. I also think it has one hell of a lot to do with the male pride and ego, no man likes to think he might be firing blanks!!!

If I have learnt anything in the last 2 yrs it's just to keep talking, and to try and laugh with each other as much as we can.

I don't know if you have tried it Suzie but after becoming an addict to this forum I have started charting, I wasn't sure about it to start but have now got another addiction!! Seriously though in some ways for me I feel it is helping as my mind is now focused on my chart and hopefully it will give us more indication of the best time to bonk!! Also it is keeping me occupied until we see the specialists and the fact that I will be able to take a chart in may help with the investigations that they need to do.

Crikey what a waffle session sorry!! Good luck with the bloods, keep us posted and hope your laptop behaves x x :hug:

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