Our feeding experience - I need your input (1st results in!)

im only up to week 2.. so i can give u info up to now? then update

week 1 ABC
week 2 AB
Week 1: BC
Week 2 B
Week 3: BC
Week 4:ABC
Week 5:ABC
Week 6:ABC
Week 7:ABC
Week 8:ABC
Week 9 onwards: A
I'm so pleased some of you read the newsletter! Thanks for replying everyone!

erin said:
Hi all,

Since Maya was born I've been struggling with breastfeeding and have been juggling between breast, EBM and formula. I've had a few problems :wall: and have always wondered what it is like for other women. :think:

I'm beginning this poll in the hope of creating useful statistics on what is involved when feeding our babies. :D To start with, I'm looking for information on how we get on feeding our babies on a weekly basis, up to week 25 or whatever week you are up to so far. If enough people answer then I shall make more graphs to show more information, such as feeds per day, ml/oz per feed etc.

For now, the information I need is whether feeding involved:

A. Exclusively formula
B. Exclusively breastfeeding
C. Exclusively expressing
AB. Complementing breastfeeding with formula (no expressing)
BC. Breastfeeding and expressing (no formula)
AC. Complementing expressing with formula (no breastfeeding)
ABC. Complementing breastfeeding with formula and expressing (all three)

The format of the information I'm looking for is:

Week 1: B
Week 2: B
Week 3: BC
Week 4: ABC
Week 5: B
Week 6: AB
Week 25: A

I realise that you may have changed categories in the middle of a week. If that's the case, choose the category that applied for most of that week.

When I have enough - say more than 30 - replies for each week I shall post a graph for that week so that each person can see where they are in relation to the rest of the people in the forum who answer for that week. Of course, by the very nature of the graph, this will be anonymous. :shhh: To maintain anonymity, please send your info as pm to me - unless of course you prefer to post it as a reply.

Because I imagine and hope that more and more people will respond to this in time, the graphs for each week will evolve over time. Please respond with information you would be interested in as well.

Thanks for your replies in advance! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Week 1 - B
Week 2 to Week 27 - AB
Week 27 - Present Day - A
Thank you all for your replies and thanks Valentine for writing about the poll in the newsletter! :hug:

For me things have changed over the last few weeks so here goes:

(Following on from week 7)

week 8: BC
week 9: B
week 10: B
week 11: B

I will be adding new conclusions and new graphs given the data available.
Watch this space!
:D :hug:
B from birth until now (just over five weeks so far)
This is a fantastic idea!

Weeks 1-20 have been B,weeks 20-22 have been BC
valentine said:
I'm so pleased some of you read the newsletter! Thanks for replying everyone!


.....I love the newsletter,I look forward to it.I'm sad that way :oops:
Weeks 1-4 - B
Weeks 5-22 - BC
Weeks22-24 -AB
Weeks 24 onwards - A
What a great idea. Sorry for the late reply.. only just seen this :)

Week 1 - B
Week 2-7 - AB
Week 8 - present (approx 6 months) A

ok this is my finished one as its not gonna change now til shes a year old and onto cows milk

WEEKS 1 - 26: B breast only

WEEKS 27 - 35: AB breast and formula

WEEKS 36 - 52: A formula only
Wk1 - ABC
Wk2 - BC
Wk3 - BC
WK4 - BC

I have used formula on a couple of occasions when ive been unable to breastfeed but mainly breast & expressed milk :)

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