Ouchhhh my (.)(.) are killing me....


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2006
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God my bbs are killing me proper bad... when i take my bra off (sorry tmi) they really really hurt.... so much i slept in my bra last night

Sounds uncomfy but more comfy that not wearing one.....

I am on CD22 of a 28/29 cycle.

Tested tonight and BFN... Am I testing too early and is really aching (.)(.) at this time in my cycle normal as I dont normally get this till 2/3 days before AF is due... :think: :doh:


To be honest i dont know but sounds like some of the symptoms girls who recently got bfp have got.

Keep the support going for the bfp. :lol:

hiya hun it wioll pass in a couple of weeks dont worry about it youll be fuine i found putting a wet wipe in each bra cup helped sooth mine but theres nothing much you can do but i promise it will stop soon
Thanks.... might have to try that....

Do you think its a good sign then even though i am on day 22 or is it 21???

Got tummy cramps tonight like af too but too early for them... ?

Another week to wait before testing as i tested too early tonight but had to do it!! lol x
I thought i was going to come on for about 3 weeks because of the cramps and my boobs hurt from me being abour 4 weeks pregnant also are your boobs veiny? mine really showed through
My bbs are quite veiny all the time so that is no different for me

My boobies were so sore when I was pg, I had to hold them when I didn't have a bra on cos they were so tender. I hope that it is a sign for you, will keep my fingers crossed for you hun :pray:

That was my very first sign I used to have to hold my boobs in my hands when taking off my bra I'd nearly be crying with the pain but then it would ease off I think it's just the extra weigh the muscles aren't used to it yet. Its a very good sign you've probably just tested too early. I tested on day 18 of a 26 day cycle and got a bfn but then tested again on day 25 and got my bfp so hang in there.

Best of luck :pray: :pray: :pray:
One other thing Donna you're better testing first thing in the morning as the hcg levels are much higher especially if you're testing early. I used first response.
Thanks everyone... I really hope this is my month. AF is due on the 7th and its my anniversary on the 11th so would be a great present for Jase.

I feel shocking today... (.)(.)'s are still sore, proper hot all the time and feel really tired. Finished work at 2pm and told my colleagues I had an appointment... not really though just so knackered..and feel really sick...

Maybe I am just coming down with something??? :rotfl:

Got loads of CM too which I cant think I normally have.

Roll on the 7th and :pray: ing for no AF xx
Good Morning All,

Had to get up and put my bra on :oops: lol....

4 days to testing....think i should try and wait until tuesday as i kep getting disappointment..but this month as been really different , OR i am just cracking up with all this TTC stuff..

Been using my persona monitor this month.

I really really hope I am pregnant x :pray:
It's certainly sounding promising hun. I used persona too and found it invaluable. I would try and wait until Monday at least before testing as you've more chance of getting a + the closer you are to when AF is due. I hope you get your bfp this month. I used first response which is supposed to be able to predict earlier than some of the others.

Godd luck I'm keeping everything crossed for you.
Well CD25, going to try and at least hold out till tomorrow..... just dont want no more disappointment - 12months is enuff...

Certainly do feel diff this month or just going more crazy.

Good Luck to everyone else testing soon and TTCer's
No I have had a word with myself and promised i wont test until Thursday.

Was sick last night (just cam over me when I got in bed), then felt fine, was sick at half 9 today at work after feeling crap all morning then it just came over me again and was sick again about 20 mins later.

Not good.... :puke: :puke: :puke:

Got some cramping going on today... hope the witch aint on route....

I so sooooo wish its my turn and GOOD LUCK TO ALL TTC'ERS x :pray: :pray:
wow fair play to you for your resolve I really hope this is your month it's certainly sounding positive. I'll keep everything crossed for you.
im due to test this week and my boobs feel like some ones tried to wax them :puke: OUCH!

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