Ouch...These Bloomin Grapes! :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Since having Dan, my piles have become much, much worse. I am using Anusol HC now, but they are still so painful and inflamed. I am definately making a doctors appointment tomorrow. That or open a market stall! :roll: :lol:

Any tips on how to soothe them in the mean time would be muchly appreciated :)
:puke: and im eating grapes too! ** folds the packet up and leaves them for hubby tomorrow!**

Frozen peas... in the packet obviously, it will shrink them and ease the pain.

I used Anusol and they cleared up in a couple of days.

They are awful..hope they go soon
I've not had them so cant help, but just wanted to give a :hug: and say Dan is sooo cute!!!
:lol: @Foxxi, if your grapes are green, carry on eating my dear...purple, well, ummm yep, leave them for hubby :twisted: Thanks for advice :D

Thank you Sarah, catch up soon on msn hun :hug:
Preparation H soothing wipes (I am finding them quite helpful)?
Warm sitz bath?
Hope they clear up for you, they are horrible!
ouch sorry they are still giving you gip babe, I remember how bad mine were....if its any consolation once you have them they always come back....oh thats not much consolation is it....but they wont be as bad as they are now just avoid sitting on cold concrete, straining too much to poo etc :lol:

Just found this for you:


If you have daily bowel movements that are solid but soft, and you don't need to strain, faeces will pass easily and will not put pressure on the blood vessels in your anal area.

To keep your bowel movements soft, you should:

* eat plenty of fibre-rich foods such as fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals (eg brown rice, wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta)
* drink plenty of water

You shouldn't spend too much time on the toilet (reading, for example). Regular warm baths may relieve irritation and help to keep the area clean.

If you are still passing hard or infrequent faeces, you could try a fibre supplement such as ispaghula husk (eg Fybogel) or mild laxatives such as lactulose, which soften faeces. Don't use strong laxatives, such as the stimulant laxative senna, unless your doctor advises you to.

There are a number of over-the-counter treatments that can help relieve the symptoms of piles, but won't cure them.

* Soothing creams, ointments and suppositories may ease pain and itchiness. There are many different products available without prescription. Some contain a local anaesthetic such as lidocaine.
* Products containing corticosteroids, such as Anugesic-HC and Proctosedyl, may reduce inflammation and pain.

Always read the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine and ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

If these self-help measures don't work, or you have a higher grade of piles, you may need hospital treatment with one of the following procedures.
Out-patient treatments

These are treatments that you can have in hospital, but you won't need to stay overnight.

This is used mostly for second and third degree piles, but you can also have it if self-help treatments haven't worked for your first degree piles.

Your doctor will place a small elastic band just above the pile. This will cut off the blood supply to the pile, causing it to die and fall off after a few days. The raw area left behind will heal up naturally.
Yould always ask your OH to try this new way of getting rid..


:puke: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Seriously I hope they get better soon, I know how much of a pain in the ass they be - badumdum cha!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Plenty of water, fruit n veg and up your fibre intake! Can totally sympathise however.
oooh i sympathise hun, i've got a friend who is in hosp today having hers 'done' , i hope you're ok :hug:

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