

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I know that it's ridiculous, but I know I won't be the only one with the same worry. It's completely natural, so I know deep down it's all fine and dandy. But I am so worried about sex and orgasming now - I don't have much of a sex drive anyway, but am very much in the mood today...
It's easy to say it'll do no harm at all, but going by the length of time to get my BFP and the early bleeding I've had I don't want to risk anything. Should I wait until I have a scan at least? I'd never forgive myself if anything happened, coincidentally or not, because of something so flippant. It feels like I should be on "pelvic rest"!
Thank you xxx
Hi Kitty, obviously I can't offer you any advice from the pregnancy side of things, and it must be really diffficult to know what to do for the best. Some things I have read suggest that sex and orgasming in early prregnancy is good to increase blood flow to the uterus and support implantation. I think you need to do what feels right for you xx
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Hi Kitty, obviously I can't offer you any advice from the pregnancy side of things, and it must be really diffficult to know what to do for the best.

I've read that during pregnancy uterine contractions stop when orgasming - but plenty of websites says they continue and can disrupt everything early on. Perhaps it even depends on the individual? I don't know...
Sorry, managed to post too soon so had to edit, my original post would have been bloody pointless lol! I think, like with everything when ttc, there is soo much conflicting information, you need to feel comfortable with what is right for you. Maybe give it a 'light' go, but stop if you feel uncomfotable at all? xx
Just had a bit of a google and everything I can find suggests it should be fine, but seeing as you've had a bleed it may be best to have your first scan first, just to be on the safe side.

How are you doing now, how are you feeling about work? xx
I think I would feel really uncomfortable doing it... but maybe that's just super silly. I had half a sleep orgasm last night, though they're never as strong...
Sounds like you're hormones are running riot ;-) xx
Loads are fine but a lot have bled afterwards
Cervical erosion i think
So theyve steered clear x
We have only had sex once sonce my bfp which was about 2-3weeks ago now. Felt bad as before that was conception date!

Im not in the mood for it what so ever! And after my bleed yesterday im scared.
OH knows this, but men will be men, so will have to try and keep him happy in other ways until tri1 is over.

I just dnt feel like wanting it at all!! X
I had bleeding this pregnancy and bled after sex and also after orgasm in tri 1 , so I stopped! ... My bleed at 11 weeks 4 days was huge and I passed a big clot . I just didn't want to risk it after that .

I don't know when I will try again , I'm currently 16 weeks xx
My poor husband hasn't had a thing since the night we conceived!!! I'm just so tired I can't manage it. I do get a bit of fear that it's going to prompt something bad, too. Deep down I know it won't though. I'd give it a go if you feel up for it, just take it easy and see how you feel after x
I would avoid putting anything up there until your scan and maybe an examination. I bleed during early pregnancy and it's because of my cervix and as soon as I'm pregnant I'm. Pelvic rest till 12 weeks. Last time was 24 weeks. There's things you can do to be intimate without full blown sex. The orgasms fine so set him to work lol xxx
I would avoid putting anything up there until your scan and maybe an examination. I bleed during early pregnancy and it's because of my cervix and as soon as I'm pregnant I'm. Pelvic rest till 12 weeks. Last time was 24 weeks. There's things you can do to be intimate without full blown sex. The orgasms fine so set him to work lol xxx

It's more than orgasm I'm fussed about than penetration anyway ;)
I'll probably wait until the scan anyway xx
Orgasms are just fine ;) You may even find them extra intense and coming in multiples lol! They feel better in tri 1, getting towards the end of pregnancy, an orgasm resulted in strong braxton hicks for me - oouchi x
My husband has high sex drive and we've only done it twice since conceiving, he's strated getting really angry and grumpy now, it's not that I don't want it just I feel so sick that any "motion" on my belly I think wouldn't end well :(
He's not the most understanding of men when it comes to women's woes either which is so annoying as his friend who's wife is pregnant too is an absolute angel.

Sorry didn't really answer question that was asked but felt I needed to get that put there been playing on mind for a few days
Ive wanted to ask about this but was too embarrassed hubby has had nuthung since we conceived purely fue to exhaustion an me having no interesy at all i do feel bad for him im now 19weeka an tbh its getting close to stage where he banned sex the first time round sure i was about 22weeks an he was just nope thats it no more sex i was gutted then as i got bigger i jus dinny feel like it - we did fool around one night as was really horny but when he ssked if i wanted sex i was too scared too i have done some very rare diy (sorry tmi) but afterwards i worry its done damage xx
I had early bleeding until 12 weeks on and off. My hormones made me in the mood constantly and resulting in lots of orgasms.

Youll be fine, have fun.

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We're having sex a minimum of twice a week...more if I get my own way ;) lol, there's no risk through orgasm...when u get to about 14+ weeks you should be able to feel the uterus go hard after orgasm...I quite like the feeling as I can feel how big my bump is's one of the things I'm looking forward to before I can feel baby move x
I had an orgasm yday, and after a few hours I had bleeding, but we didn't have sex. So i'm not sure if this caused the bleeding. I have a scan on Tuesday... Not doing anything else until then!
I had sex about 2 weeks ago(about 5weeks) was a bit dubious incase it caused bleeding and mc, and everything was absolutely fine, had an orgasam...he had 2(he says down to the fact that we haven't had sex in weeks!! I think I must just be that good!haha!) but I've been really ill this week and my sex drive has been really low (lower than normal) Hoping it picks up soon, although when I get a proper bump we won't have sex, it'll just feel weird. Xx

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