
I made sure I orgasmed straight after OH had done :) xx

Now that's a talent most girls wish they could have!! Lots of women do not orgasm through penetration alone though...

I am lucky as I can - but not on demand :shock: :shock:


Lol oh no I can't orgasm from penetration so gotta just do it myself while he's still in there! Lol Tmiiiiiii!! X
Thanks girls! So glad i asked :) Got a positive on OPK tonight so we baby danced and i orgasumed after so FX! :) x
Great stuff to know - thanks for starting the thread PB - orgasm after he ejaculates - got it!! Also, saw you got +ive opk! yay! Gonna go and check your journal out right now :) xxx
Pink butterfly I have read the same thing, that having an orgasm makes the vagina more of a suction, which is exactly what you need to get the sperm up where they belong. So technically you should climax first to make the suctioning work in your favor :) baby dust to all.......
Pink butterfly I have read the same thing, that having an orgasm makes the vagina more of a suction, which is exactly what you need to get the sperm up where they belong. So technically you should climax first to make the suctioning work in your favor :) baby dust to all.......

dont think this is quite right, you only "suction" when you orgams so a max of about 15-30 seconds, if you come first you will be suctioning up nothing so you muct come after him or at the same time.
Orgasm after he does, contractions help them swim up!

Funny thread! :dust:
Hey girls! Thanks again for the advise..really gald i ask now!

Well got my peak on CBFM and OPK stick on Thursday so we have bd Thursday night and last night so far (going to to another two nights) and just wanted to let you know that i Orgasumed after on both nights (first night was about 10 mins afer and last night was 5 mins after so not sure if to late my then) and i didnt have any leakage! :) I usually get a bit and i use conceive plus lube but that didnt even come out! Wuhooo for suckage! LOL x
Right now i have another question: what can i do...not to leak? Is it normal? Most of it always comes out ( sorry really tmi), and i have never dare asked anyone about that... it comes out even if i orgasm. We usually use tissue paper and i go on my side, with my legs tight...give me tips!! Am i not normal?
Right now i have another question: what can i do...not to leak? Is it normal? Most of it always comes out ( sorry really tmi), and i have never dare asked anyone about that... it comes out even if i orgasm. We usually use tissue paper and i go on my side, with my legs tight...give me tips!! Am i not normal?
Well i think a lot of the leak is the liquid what the sperm is in and some dead spermies (dont worry we all get dead/dying spermies) and also if you use lube that come out as well so i try not to worry if i get some leakage but must admit was very happy last night when i didnt get any! :)

Some women use some sort of cup thingy, think its the same one you use when on a period??? x
Cup thingy?
ouch never heard of that either!
Does any use this? Like you have a cup next to you and when oh comes out you put the cup in front??:shock:
No it's called Mooncup, you insert it inside you and it keeps everything in.. Some people use it instead of Tampax, sanitary towels etc. :)

x x
P.S. has anyone tried the legs-up method? Bum-up? I tried all these when I first started TTC, including the orgasm thing - I orgasm every time we BD so it doesn't really count lol. The legs-up and bum-up didn't work for me obviously but some people said they helped. Gravity and all that. ;) x x
Wow, thanks gor that. Had never heard of yhis before!!! I rwally sound silly with my cup in the bed idea, shahah!
Lol easy mistake to make hun, you're not silly. :)

You could do all the methods at once..

Orgasm after OH, insert mooncup, put pillow under bum to lift your hips and tilt it in the right direction then pull your legs up for extra tilting.


The things we do while TTC! :)

x x
I was explaining about orgasming after to the hubby and he was like 'thank you for describing orgasming as sperm hoovering what with your descriptions of CM and being with you for your colposcopy I think im afraid of your vagina now':blush:
poor man!
the joys of TTC! xxx
LOL bless him! My OH just stared at me when i try to explain stuff to him and then just say "so do we need to have sex now then" so i have given up now! Saying that he did pick up 2 of my OPK sticks the other day and compaired them both and then just when i though he was getting into it all he said "owww what end do you pee on" i just had to laugh at him! x
thats the thing that makes me laugh, when there looking at a test and then they realise that you pee on it and there like 'ewwwww'!
my OH has now banned the phrase cervical mucus, because it makes him queasy lol!
He was however very lovely and went out and bought me a nice soft cushion to put under my bum when we dtd because he said the one we have been using isnt very soft or nice and that my bottom deserves better bless him!
He did also say after he got over the sperm hoovering discussion that he would be happy to 'tend to my ttc needs' post ejaculation!
sometimes they can be so lovely! x

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