OPKs Work in the morning?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Hi everyone,

Im slighltly worried about ovualtion. We have been trying to concieve since December, well this is our second month anyway and ive been using clearblue digital OPK. I have a 27 day cycle so i started using as suggested on day 10, but i also did one on day 8 just in case. Anyway ive been doing it first thing in the morning as i can no way hold my wee in for 4 hours as suggested and ive had no surge yet. Ive been bding everyday just in case and aside from going mental and thinking about it all the time i keep thinking...oh no what if i dont even ovualte and that thought upsets me so much. There is an example 27 day cycle on the box stating the surge occurs on day 12 which is today for me. I know that everyone is different, but im confused ive been trying to read my cm god what a joke that is. As if people get pg by accident!

Anyway sorry for the rant but i waanted to know really when everyone else ovulates and if taking the OPKs in the morning is okay? How has anyone found clearblue opks too?

D/f came down with flu today, think its def game over this month. dam it!x x x x
I think you're supposed to take them later in the day as it takes a while for hormone to show up in your urine (unlike hpts which should be taken with fmu to get highest concentration) I think they reccommend early pm.

I used clearblue and actually found them to be the best in terms of giving a clear result.

Try again later today, and for next couple of days.....don't worry yet! :hug:
Thanks babe, this ttc business is quite mind consuming x

I ovulated on day 11 and 12 last month and this month i ovulated on day 14,15 so i think it depends. I have started to used the clearblue fertility monitor which keeps a log of your cycle for the month. I have found it great as you dont have to read the sticks the machine does it for your and reminds you what day your on too.

My OH have the flue this month and i get around him with tea and toast. :dance:

Hello Hon,

There is one person on here ovulates on Day 7! I only ever get a clear poisitve on an opk at around 10am or 11am and other people only in the afternoon.

My advice is to get some cheap ones from ebay or elsewhere on the net and do am and pm from straight after your period. This way you'll be bound to catch it and know for future months around when you should be testing. Also a more reliable way to tell when you are ovulating is by temping. Fertility friend offer a free trial and it is much more straight forward than it looks. Just buy a digital themometer, take your temperature at the same time each morning when you wake up and enter it on fertility friend and they will tell you when you ovulated. OPKs are good because they tell you when you are about to ovulate where as temps can only confirm when you did so a lot of people do both.

Anyway, hope this helps - nothing to worry about it's like shooting a moving target.
Thanks guys,

I tested again this morning and got no surge again. I just thought with me having such a average cycle i would ovulate around now. Does that mean if its negative this morning itll be negative tonight? Im confused!

D/h and i are both ill now even though ive planned a special meal tonight (bding sesh :oops: )Now i wonder if i should reschedule!

Im off to buy some more OPKs this morning as i really wanna find out when i ovulate x x

Hope everyone else is doing okay and not as stressed out as me! x x
Hi there,

I also used Clear Blue OPK when we were TTC last year. I don't think they are 100% reliable because two months didn't show any surge at all...either I didn't ovulate or it just didn't pick it up. I also did mine first thing in the morning. The month it did show a surge was successful and we did get BFP then :D

When we begin TTC again I am going to temp as well to get overall best results.

I used clearblue OPKs first thing in the morning - it says you can - and never got a surge. I used the cheap ones from access diagnostics after that, when I got home in the evening -i didn't drink anything for the last hour at work, then drove an hour home. these detected a surge for about 4 days, which prob wasn't right but at least gives you an indication. I also ovulated late in the month - about day 18 of 32 day cycle.

Good luck!
I got some of them cheap ones from ebay and am beginning to think they don't work or that my body is just not working right :think:

My cycle has been all over the place but the last 2 months looks like its calming down so have been testing from about 5 days after my period finished just to make sure i don't miss it. I do mine about 3pm cos thats when i get in from work, but my day does start at 4.30am as i have to be at work for 6 so think 3pm would be like most ppl's early evening :think:

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