OPKs as contraceptive!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hey all. Okies so trying to use these OPKs as contraceptive and although have been looking at info im not 100% sure when is safe. Im on CD8 now and did a test today with no line whatsoever i left the pee in the bathroom i think it went a bit cold :s hmmmmm not sure

Also LH surge comes when you are ovulating so you can get pregnant when the lines are dark or before when the lines were dark?!? sorry a lil confused.
Hey hun :wave:

The LH hormone is normally always present in the body but usually a very small about & when your about to OV the hormone peaks then fades down again, it can also be stronger when you've got your period to

Sometimes your catch the surge on it's way up & on it's way down so your have 2 days with a positive OPK

I wouldn't necessarily use them as a contraceptive device as once you've got your surge, you won't pop your egg until 12-36 hours later & remember you've got the 5 fertile days before OV & think a couple days after as well

Hope that's a lil bit of help

Thanks Kezza got a feeling this isnt going to work for me either lol. I will just be good and use willyhats. I did one today and there was nothing not even faint line!!!!

So your likey to be fertile for up to 5 days when its dark or before its dark?!? eeek. what are the other symptoms ..ewcm?? omg im so cluelessx
This is the thing, you may only get a dark as control line positive when you get your surge otherwise you may not have anything at all but they are good for reference esp as coming off pill etc, your be a pro in no time

EWCM doesn't always happen for everyone but I got mine a few days before OV, it may be worth you checking the position of your cervix & your cervical mucus throughout your cycles each month to, your get an idea of what your bodies doing to

Keep track of all your symptoms in a notebook or phone application so you can start to work patterns out etc

Ill try another one tonight kezza im keeping track in my diary in code in case work see it lol. Thanks for ur help ur a star :) I have nil line therefore nil LH. XX
Good thinking :)

Have a look at the photos in the OPK gallery, always worth a nose round plus your see mine in there to

Me....a star :blush:

I've learnt everything from here honeybun & your be a pro before you know it as well :flower:


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