Opk - when to start?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Do you think its too early for me to start using opk? After last month I think I might be ovulating sooner than I thought so im not relying on my ticker this time.

Just dont really want to waste one everyday in the run up to ovulation if its a week away.. even though I have about 20 tests :lol:
They can be pretty expensive! But worth it if it puts your mind at rest :)
If you start to use them early on and right through until you get your ovulation then you get a better idea of when you actually ovulate.

I used OPK's a couple of cycles ago and started using them on CD7, I ovulated on CD18. So I presumed (based on one month) that I ovulated on CD18 and didn't bother the next two cycles. AF arrived on time for the next cycle, but the last cycle, AF arrived a week earlier than expected, which surely means I ovulated a week earlier than I expected.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say (in a very roundabout way!) is that as ovulation may vary, it is best to start using them when you feel like it for peace of mind. At least your not wondering if you may have ovulated earlier.

Good luck xx
Flopsy, you've convinced me! I shall start tomorrow at 2pm precisely!
Glad you understood my rambling!!:) I'm starting mine as soon as they arrive in the post.

Good luck!!

:dust: xx
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i started at cd6 and ovulated at cd 7/8 i wasn't going to start till cd8/9 so glad i did start early xx

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