Question about Ovulation


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2007
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OPK told me that i was ovulating on Sunday so i had lots of BDing on Sunday and Monday. I have taken an OPK everyday since and the OV line is still darker than the second line and it's the fourth day now. Is this right?
Usually i take OPKs until i ovulate and then stop using them but this month i have continued. How long should it take for the Ovulation line to fade or become lighter than the second line?
I'm so confused :?
I know there are several people on here who get lines for 3 days.

Sometimes the body builds up to ov but it doesnt happen, which could be what happened and now its building up again so you will ov soon.

Sometimes, an egg is released twice - usually within 24 hrs of each other - so it could be that you have released 2 this month and you have two chances of conceiving.

I would not stop BDing until the line has gone so you know you have covered all your potentially fertile times
this is what's happening to me. i've been using the opk's for 5 days now and i'm getting a line. it's a lot fainter than the main one, but not sure it might be getting slighttly darker as the days go on.

i don't know when i ovulate so am just bd'ing as often as i can to ensure that we don't miss it. but this could go on for another 1.5 weeks. me and poor DH will be worn out.... :rotfl:
(not sayin this is the same for you guys but..)
i had exactly same experience.. thought i was OV, line was darker etc.. for about 5days.. then somethin came over me to do preg test and it was a BFP.. (was chemical preg) :'(
but it can be for all diff reason's.. hope u all get BFP soon tho xx
I had this a month or so back Notty. I had bought OPKs from a different ebay seller than usual and all of my OPKs came back positive, some more positive than others. Thankfully I had some OPKs left from a different batch, so I used those at the same time with the same urine as I was so confused. It was then that I discovered that my strongest lines on the old batch of OPKs were the same as the very strongest lines on the OPKs from the new seller.

Have you used a different type of OPKs to usual?

Otherwise I agree with Choklatemunkey. You could have released 2 eggs, hopefully! I get pretty strong lines on my trusty batch of OPKs for about 3 days around ovulation. However, this is why Im no longer using OPKs, they confuse more than help me most of the time. Im just BDing more often, especially after I think Ive OV'd as I think thats where Ive been going wrong in the past. Im now going with my CM and temping only for my fertility signs. :D

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