Opk question :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
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Evening ladies :)

Decided on my 18th month of ttc I'd give the opks a go! K some of you are prob wondering why I left it all this time, but I have a very regular 28 day cycle & based on cm as well it always appears to be around cd 14. But I've been testing since cd 11 & av only had very faint lines for the last 3 days & when I say faint they wer just visible. So cd 16 now & doesn't seem any stronger?? Av I tested at wrong time & missed the surge or av I not ov'd yet?? Odd tho bcos today's the 1st day I've noticed cm??? So mayb my cycles a bit off this month?

Little confused : / u can't poas wrong, surely!!! Lol xxx
hmmm then keep poas and see what happens, you may have ov'd early or may ov late!
I found I got better results when I tested later in the day, about 3pm and I'm planning on testing about 4pm if I can next month. Just testing an hour later seemed to make a bit of difference, I went from getting nothing to getting a couple of faint lines then a strong one, which only lasted for one day. If I'd tested earlier or later I think I might have missed it.

Good luck. :dust:
I can't believe you haven't tried them yet! :)

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you can POAS correctly ;)

Hmm, you are pushing it but i don't think you should start to worry until you hit cd20 because on a 28 day cycle, then you'd start hitting the insufficient luteal phase marker.

If you don't get an improved line at all for the rest of your cycle, i'd invest in some CB digi opks and try again.

If you still don't get a positive then i'd go to your GP.

if you do, at least you know when about you OV and you can go back to cheapies with a better idea of when to look out for it :)
Lol I know Louise but didn't feel the need!! Always seems the right time! Lol

As with everything with this ttc lark guess I'll just av 2 wait & c! Very confusing!! X
Lol I know Louise but didn't feel the need!! Always seems the right time!

I was pretty cocky that i had a natural cycle and i could read my body, then i got OPKs and OV'd 2 days later than i thought :shock:

That's enough to screw me over if i stopped bd on OV thinking i'd done enough.

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