Opinions - which do you like?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Now we know we are having a little boy I can really start narrowing down the names I like - although no boys names are jumping out at me. Here is what we have so far, opinions appreciated!:

Surname is Chidgey (i know!) - don't think we will choose a middle name as DD doesn't have one.


Any other ideas would be welcomed!!! :)
i like matthew and harry! but i'm not sure harry would go with your surname!
I like matthew and Harry too x I prefer Alexander to Alex x
I like Max and think it goes with your surname too :)
That's what we thought about Max, keep first name short!

Max is the one we have swayed towards most as it goes best with our surname.

Chidgey is pron. (Chid-jee).

We also like Ben but already have a Ben in both families!
I dunno, i prefer a more substancial name to try and balance the surname out, rather than keeping the first name short.

Matthew Chidgey is nice. I think Ethan Chidgey is nice too.

Other names... Hmmm.

Simon Chidgey?

Dominic Chidgey?
i just sat and said them all out loud with your surname, you really have to sound them out a couple of times to know if it flows.

It's Ethan. Ethan is the one that works best out loud with Chidgey

I think you should reconsider about not having a middle name. Middle names have a lot of uses in life, and it's often a nice way to honour a family member.

They are all great names though xx
i really like Ethan too. think it sounds good with your surname! xx
What uses do middle names have star fish? I don't have one ad I can't say I've missed out or anything or had a situation where i've thought, shit this would have been better if I'd had a middle name! I think one child having one and the other not is unfair!
I don't have a middle name either and if you have no family members you'd like to 'honour' I don't see the need. DD has a middle name after my grandma who passed away but it wasn't a name we wanted to use as a first name, same with Seb, his middle name will be after OH's grandad who also passed. It's supposed to be 'fashionable' at the moment to name a child one name, give them a middle name and refer to them by their middle name-why I just don't know? What's the point?
I just don't really see the need in middle names tbh! I have one and there are a few occasions I wished I didn't have it because I don't like it and I often have to include it on important forms and it sometimes caused a few frustrating situations. I don't have any family members I want to honour so to speak and I couldn't have one child with a middle name and one without as Alice has said. I'm happy with just the one name.

We are Roman Catholic anyways so I reckon kids will get a Confirmation name as a middle name in later life and they can choose it themselves. Me and hubby just like to keep it simple!

I absolutely love the name Ethan but OH isn't as keen, I keep trying to win him round! He hasn't said no but he thinks it would have to grow on him!
I love Ethan!!!! It wins hands down for me :) All these suggetions might be more confusing than helping tho ;)
I think one child having one and the other not is unfair!

I don't have a middle name, my sister has one and my brother has three and I don't feel I was unfairly treated anymore than I feel at a disadvantaged in life :)

I'm Catholic too and it is a good point that you get to pick a middle name yourself or not.

LauraC - def work on Ethan :)
Ethan or Alex for me def with your surname, lovely choices Laura
Thank you girls, been so difficult to think of names that will not sound stupid with our surname!! Matthew and Alex were the names I had for a boy in 2007 and they have stood the test of time until now, as both me and hubby still like them. But Ethan and Max are the other two that we both like, hmmm decisions, decisions....

I have plenty of time to mill it over, great to get your opinions :)
I like Alexander though I think Aaron chidgey sounds really nice xx
I like matthew but I'm biased cos my youngest is a matthew...I've got a ben aswel lol xx

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