Opinions please ?!?! Need your help :)

It's really hard to say, for two days I thought I was pissin my self but it was my waters c
Amazing news!! Good luck :pompom:
It's funny - I forget I am in tri 3 so when I first read that I thought ooooh like you would if you read it in tris 1 and 2 and then thought 'hang on! yep it's prob labour' hehe!!
try and get some rest, good luck for tomorrow! xxx
Gd luck hun. eventhough im not preg, my lo started to arrive like this.
forewaters suddenly went sun am (2009), induced sun night n she was with me mon arvo.

your darling will be with you soon x
Just seen this thread. how exciting? Good luck xxx
Well I'm getting severe period pains on and off but lasting about 15 to 20 seconds, gosh it's painful! I'm in bed trying to sleep as been up since 4am
and could be a longgg night but can't get comfy! Very odd didnt realise it would feel like this and for my waters to break Is unexpected!! Xxx

Looks like your gonna be the first one from our due date to go. I'm so excited. Hope things go quickly for you. :dance:
Hi ladies quick update for u. Got to hosp at 9pm ish and got checked. I was 4 cms dilated but apparently it's my hind waters that broke not my main! Was checked at 1.30 and was 6cms and checked at 5.30 and now 8cms. Due to the pain I've had pethedine which has helped me soo much but wondering if it's slowed labour down. Waters still haven't gone and she won't break just yet as she feels baby's heads a little high.
I'm very very tired! My fella is conked out on the bed and I'm walking round trying to get contractions again. I managed without the pethedine until over 6cms but I was shattered the only way to deal with pain for me is to walk round! If I sat, bounced on ball , got into bed etc etc it would make contractions ten times worse!!
I've also been put on antibiotics as hind waters were lost over 24 hours ago! Il keep u updated I just hope labour doesn't stall!! Xx
Good luck constantstar! Baby will be here in no time now! You've done so well getting to 8cms and you sound so relaxed still! You can do it! Yaaaaay xxxx
That's good news. Hope it speeds up for you and you get to meet your LO soon. x
Oooo so exciting. Hope your keeping ok. Can't wait to read your next post saying LO is here!

This is so exciting and you are doing so well! Keep it up girl, and I shall be doing a wee bit of thread stalking to see if yourr gorgeous baby has arrived!! Xxxx
Oh wow 8cm and your still able to keep us updated. Your doing great. Can't wait to see pics. Hope things pick back up for you. :)
Yay, I'd prob say she has had baby if she was 8cm b4

Aw can't wait see pics x

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