Opinions on epo and cm?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2011
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Hi ladies just a wee question... I have been ttc for 6+ months, with 1 chemical :-(
In all the time I have been ttc I have never experienced ewcm, I thought I had until this month! It's def ewcm I am experiencing now which is great.... Here's the question.....
I have been taking evening primrose oil since cd1, I know I'm meant stop when ovulating, I think I'm ovulating now (ewcm present) or about to, problem is I'm only on cd 10! Ewcm started on cd 8!
Is it possible to ovulate this early! We have been bd'ing anyway, so that's good! But surely ovulating this early, cd8, with af only stopping on cd 7, this is too early for pregnancy! I mean how does an egg implant into the uterus if I've just had af? Surely the wall isn't ready?
Sorry..... Needed to vent.....
It's totally possible to ovualte early hun so I'd stop taking the EPO just in-case

you have to stop the epo when you ovulate as it can be dangerous if you do concieve. get some opks and once they are positive stop taking it. good luck.
I agree you should get some opks for next month if you're not successful this one as you should stop taking it at ov. As for whether it's too early for baby to implant, well remember it takes about a week once the egg is fertilised for it to move into your uterus and implant, so lining should be fine by then :). Also, EWCM can come a few days before ovulation so isn't the best indication of exactly when you will ovulate, which is why opks are handy.... Hoep this reassures you and good luck!! :)x
Thanks Ladies!!!
AAHHH CEEBEE I forgot about the egg having to move to the uterus.... lol!! FX i wont have to OPKS next month! I have stopped taking the epo anyway, and just taking the the folic vits etc.
CM changed as of yesterday, now creamy (sorry tmi) so think I def ovulated or ovulating.... Peak ewcm was on cd 9 and i believe we can ovulate on the day or up to 2 days after..... We bd'd on cd 9 so hopefully FX we got it!!

Unfortunately havent been able to BD again as hubby was working away... but hopefully we can tonight, although that may prove difficult now as my brother has moved in with us.... he and hes fiancé have split up.... very sad, as they have been together for 6 years and we are all very close with each others family's etc... and we are driving down to Manchester to stay the weekend with my cousin for her 40th!LOL

If we do fall pregnant this month it will be by some litle miracle!!


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