ok just been reading some posts and tankett your to blame...lol sorry was just reading about your mil offering to take your steroliser back to mc for you!!
anyway i was wondering how you all felt and coped with breast feeding?
my lil story is well im pregnant with my second child as most of you know Adele was born premature. So when she was born i was expressing milk and never got alot from it i was lucky if i was getting 10oz at a time it only lasted 6 weeks then i dried up. Im not sure if it had something to do with me expressing and not having Adele in my arms and bonding with her that sort of thing.
This time im unsure wether to try breast feeding or not as this baby looks as though its going to be full term im going to be out and about alot and i just dont know if i have the courage to breast feed in public or not, i know that sounds selfish but looking only 12 as it is i have very low self opinion of myself and feels everyone stares at me as it is i know its daft and its just me.
Do yous think i should express or try giving the breast ago after all i guess baby may not take to it.
let me know what your experiences have been like and how you coped with other peoples opinions
many thanx luv
jean xx
anyway i was wondering how you all felt and coped with breast feeding?
my lil story is well im pregnant with my second child as most of you know Adele was born premature. So when she was born i was expressing milk and never got alot from it i was lucky if i was getting 10oz at a time it only lasted 6 weeks then i dried up. Im not sure if it had something to do with me expressing and not having Adele in my arms and bonding with her that sort of thing.
This time im unsure wether to try breast feeding or not as this baby looks as though its going to be full term im going to be out and about alot and i just dont know if i have the courage to breast feed in public or not, i know that sounds selfish but looking only 12 as it is i have very low self opinion of myself and feels everyone stares at me as it is i know its daft and its just me.
Do yous think i should express or try giving the breast ago after all i guess baby may not take to it.
let me know what your experiences have been like and how you coped with other peoples opinions
many thanx luv
jean xx