Opening up about depression, *wish i never bothered*

thank you for all your support just leaving mine now to get the bus to the docs, iv got butterflies in my belly and am sooo scared but its got to be done, just hope i can be honest with her.

speak to you when i get back :hug:

and i no its soppy but you lot are my true friends on here :angel:
only just read this thread, hope it goes ok for you.
Best of luck. You are a great mum with 2 great kids never forget that. :hug:
Good luck Dionne, we're all thinking about you hun :)
Hey Dionne,

As you know I have suffered from depression since I was 13 and have been on medication for the majority of that time. Im so pleased you are going to the doctors to face the problem and hit it head on. Its obviously come to a peak now and in a way thats good because you will get the help you need. Dont be afraid to tell the doctor how you feel because he/she will have heard it before and is there to help you manage your feelings and overcome it.
Whichever way your doctor suggests to treat you, be open minded and remember there is NO stigma to being on anti-depressants or seeing a councillor, it doesnt mean you are a freak, mad, crazy etc. I thought this for a very long time but you dont have to be mentally ill to suffer from mental illness. Many of the most brightest, intelligent, semmingly outgoing people in this world suffer from depression (me being one of them lol) so remember your never, ever alone.

Feel free to PM/chat on msn if you need to chat as I know exactly what it feels like to be scared and anxious about it all.

I hope you feel better and more positive after you see the GP, im sure you will :hug:

:hug: Hope everythign works out for you hun i know its tough but at least your speaking to the doctor and trying to fix it.
Hope your visit goes well
Hope everything went OK Dionne, and you can get it sorted, you've taken the first step, well done.

How did you get on darling?

been thinking about you so much this afternoon :hug:
wish i had never went i feel worse now then i did earlier.

its a long story but i walked in the doctors room cryed my eyes out couldnt even get my words out apart from i cant cope. she looked away tapped away at the screen some one rang her phone she spoke to them for 2mins then got a tick sheet out every question she asked she started it with "you dont" eg Dionne you dont feel tearful often do u?
it just made it so much harder to answer yes! then she gave me some prescription for medication by now Harley is in his sling crying Dior is in the pushchair moaning, im still crying. she then said ah yes i knew your name rang a bell.....

(long story sorry) remember the other week i took harley to walk in centre for his rash,
when i got to the walkin centre the doc there asked y i hadnt went my gp i said i couldnt get an appointment he said couldnt you wait a day i said no i couldnt get to my docs for the next week (didnt have the car) he has wrote a letter to my gp saying Dionne couldnt get appointment for a week!
so this lady iv just pored my heart out to then says how i have caused alot of trouble and she knows im lying i explained the doc must have took it the wrong way and il correct it so the surgey dont look silly she says "the surgery dont look silly yo do, you lied and every one here knows that./ again i said sorry i will write a letter and explain she said "no il call the surgery manager now she will come in and talk to you so you can explain yourself"
i burst into tears walked out the surgery and felt 2ft tall
im in complete bits now and feel worse then ever
That is bang out of fucking order. I am fuming , fucking fuming.
Dionne, I'm coming with you to your docs to sort this out, what a cheeky bitch. She has no right to speak to you this way and needs to be complained about to a higher body.
Oh for gods sake hun :hug: :hug:

she had no right to do that to you, you went for help and she made you feel crap about something else completely irrelevent

The hospital visit had nothing to do with this, i really don't beleive she treated you like this, i would make another appointment and make sure Kris goes with you without the kids and get him to tell her that it was uncalled for what she said to you.

FFS you took Harley 'cos you were concerned for his health, if you had left it you would probably got a b******ing for that too

GRRRRRRRRRR am so annoyed for you :evil:
Go on Sami, i wish i was a damn sight closer and i would be marching down there with you

I really can't believe this!!!!!!
Dionne, when you're ready I'm here for a chat. Jut spoke to Kris.
Want me to come up? I'll come over and give you a hug babe. Have a girly chat. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jo - I live about 45min-hour away from Dionne, but we've met up before in MK, and again at the meet, she's such a lovely girl, I can't beleive this woman was so nasty to her. I'd travel 2 hours to come and sort this bitch out. That's bang out of order. I am bloody fuming.
Honestly if i was closer i would be there too i'm about 3 hrs on train though :?

I can't beleive she went for help and was treated like that my OH walked in as i was reading and shouting at screen and is gobsmacked too

How dare she, who the hell does she think she is?????

it was neither the time or the place to say she had made herself look silly and calling her a liar :evil:

so F****ing not on and i don't swear that often!!!!!!!!!!!
Sami im so sorry i feel so rude but im so upset il phone you either later or tomorrow.
Jo thank you for your concerns too.

you are all so great

it was such a big thing for me to speak to some one i hate telling any one how i feel never mind crying to some one and i felt like a naughty school girl being told off. recently iv been feeling very paranoied about what people think of me and when she said "every one here knows that it true what you said" it made me wana die, then i stood outside the surgery waiting for a taxi i felt like i had a million eyes staring at me

kris was fuming he never see's me cry so hes shocked he wants to go down the docs, im just changing docs. but iv got to go back in 3weeks about this medication iv been given?
it's okie dahling don't worry, just talk when you're ready if you want to. even on msn if you want.

what meds did she give you and what did she say about them? xx
Dionne your doctor sounds like a total cock and I'm glad you're changing for yours and your family's sake.

I hope that you get a more understanding doctor, your one was so out of order today it's unbelievable that they're allowed to practice medicine at all!!

Sorry that you feel it was a waste of time, in normal circumstances it wouldn't be and you're very brave for admitting how you feel. I hope that you soon get the proper support that you need :hug:
:hug: Im so sorry your surgery is so petty, unhelpful and showing no empathy. I would write a letter of complaint about this bitch who made you feel like shit and get her the f**king sack, but thats me. :twisted:

I have suffered from anxiety and hormonal imbalance for years :shhh: and I tryed antidepressants for a few months which numbed my emotions and made me feel weide. :doh: I now have councilling and group therepy which i was referred to from my GP but I hate my therapist as i remember she was a rude customer of mine on Dior who made me feel 2 inch tall. I cant understand how these rude unprofessional people get jobs in the NHS when they have no people skills or empathy. I cant take anything now with TTC but I have been taking "bach rescue remedy "now and then, which seems to help. You can get it from boots but try the medication and see if that helps and good luck finding another docs surgury. x
Oh Dionne i am so sorry you had to go through this when it took so much to even turn up today.

i am that bl**dy mad at that so called Dr. no matter what had or hadnt been said before you are a patient who has the right to treatment. can you imagine if it had been someone who maybe didnt have a good guy like your Kris to go home to, a single mum who was totally alone and really needed to be heard? i hate to think how someone like that might have reacted after that, it could well have pushed them over the edge. she had no way of knowing (seeing as how she didnt listen to you!) how bad you were or what your circumstances are. i really hope no one else in need of help has the misfortune to be seen by that Dr.

def change docs hun and if you can write a formal complaint, it shouldnt be allowed but i know you have enough to deal with just now.

i really hope you find someone to listen properly and get you the right help.

I can't believe what i'm reading!!! Argh what gives her the right to make you feel worse when you are down. she is supposed to be there to help you. I think everyone on here should write the surgery a letter of complaint and request she apologise because we all know that you are not a liar and what she said is totally out of order :x
:hug: Despite the nightmare you had, I do think you did the right thing by seeing your Dr. Depression is such a terrible thing, and at a time where you should feel on top of the world because you have such a beautiful and healthy child it doesn't make sense to feel so low, but that is depression for you. I hate feeling like this, and that if I don't take my tablets I struggle and get so anxious about stuff. Just know that you are not on your own hun, and that we are all here for you :hug:

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