PND different from depression?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Hi Girls :wave:

I know I' going to sound really ignorant and stupid asking this but is there a difference between PND and just normal depression?

I don't know an awful lot about PND tbh. Just what I read from girls on here. Thing is for past month or so I've been feeling really down, I'm taking a lot of it out on OH and snapping between moods soooo easy. I feel bad cos he's doing nothing but being extra kind to me. :(

I can't get motivated, even stuff like housework does my head in. Only time I feel 'normal' is if I'm playing with Jack and he's laughing and giggling :D I love those times. But if he's crying I feel like I'm unsure of what to do to calm him then I think I'm a bad mummy :(

At first I put it down to xmas, cos my mam died it's a difficult time of year but it hasn't really improved since xmas. Sometimes I'm ok but it is getting to the point where I'm feeling moody more often than not. I don't feel too 'sad' it's just really bad mood swings.

Do you think it could be PND/depression or just I need a kick up the ass :lol:

thanks for reading and any replies appreciated :hug:
it sounds like you could be a bit down to me. The fact that you are aware of how you are feeling and that you feel ''down'etc is good and thats the first step to recovery.

Try not to do too much housework on a daily basis. Set yourself a task each day such as cleaning the bathroom etc. If you don't get round to it don't beat yourself up about it. Tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow.

Don't feel guily at playing with baby either. If you want to do that all day and it makes the two of you happy then do it. Your OH will always be happy (as he sounds nice) to help you out with the housework when he gets in from work.
Try and get out each day too even if its just a walk round the block with the buggy.

We all get down at some time and sometimes a kick up the arse does it.

If you still don't feel right in the next month or so go and see your doctor. Its nothing to be ashamed about and the doctor will be able to help you out.
Thanks for your reply :hug:

Yeah I think the one task a day sounds like a good idea. It's not like my house is that messy, just not as perfect as I like but think I've got to admit defeat, when you have a baby there is no such thing as a tidy house :lol:

Oh I dunno. Just feel like shit, gonna give it another 2 weeks then maybe go see my doc. :)
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Thanks for your reply :hug:

Yeah I think the one task a day sounds like a good idea. It's not like my house is that messy, just not as perfect as I like but think I've got to admit defeat, when you have a baby there is no such thing as a tidy house :lol:

Oh I dunno. Just feel like sh*t, gonna give it another 2 weeks then maybe go see my doc. :)

the housework one does work.
I remeber when i had my first baby i flet like i had to do all the housework like i did when i was childless and its just not possible. :lol: felt like i was wonderwoman. My health visitor told me about the one task thing and ive never forgotten it and it works.

My mum alwasy says to me

''Leave the house work, the house mess will be here when you're dead''

and that always works too

i have loads of experience with ladies with PND/depression too.
If you really still feel not yourself in a few weeks deffo go and see your doctor. :hug:
There will always be housework, but never these precious days with Jack again, don't be hard on yourself about housework, yes it needs doing and its annoying but it will get done, one thing at a time, and making a list may help too, ticking off those to do's will make you feel great, aim for one tick a day and if you do more, hellooooooooo SuperMummy :hug: Very best wishes, so lovely to hear how happy Jack makes you, and talking about low feelings is always a great start to resolving them too :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sorry I didn't actually answer your question :oops: just wanted to say that :hug:
Thank you for your reply Redshoes :hug: I really appreciate it, it's nice to be able to talk to you girls. I feel a bit guilty when I tell OH cos I know he worries about me and kinda feels as though I'm burdening him with it :( I already feel slightly better by just typing it all out but not 100%. Hopefully in next few weeks I'll pull myself round :hug:
I doubt your OH will feel burdened, maybe frustrated he cannot just 'help' you out of the low parts :hug: :hug: :hug: Also take time to grieve for your Mum, it may be that you're blocking that to be all smiley for Jack and OH and that's causing you pent up feelings :hug: :hug: :hug: All I know is that dull women keep immaculate houses :D (don't hurt me house proud Mummy's) :wink:
Redshoes said:
All I know is that dull women keep immaculate houses :D (don't hurt me house proud Mummy's) :wink:

:lol: I like that, I think I'll use it as my excuse from now on :rotfl:
sounds like it could be either hun only thing to do is go see ur GP and get diagnosed :hug:
I'm gonna see how it goes, gonna keep a track of my mood on this thread, just a few lines each day then in 2 weeks have a look back over it and see if I think I need to go to docs.

Today: Woke up in ok mood, got ready then went out for Sunday lunch with MIL/FIL had a nice walk through the village they live in so plenty of fresh air. Was fine until I got back to their house to find OH had given them a couple of Jacks toys he got for Xmas to keep at theirs for him to play with when he goes over. So I told him in front of them that I'd be taking them home and he shouldn't have done that. Feel kinda stupid cos it was pathetic really. Just not like me to act this way :?

Anyway now I'm back home I feel okish. Only cos I just went online and spent £175 on a rug at next its lovely though! Only thing that bothers me about it is after my mam died I kind of spent a year spending spending spending and prob wasted around £45,000 on not very much :( I got sensible with Jack coming along but now it seems I'm back to spending in order to cheer myself up. Hmmmm think I'll keep an eye on it cos this time I aint got 50,000 in the bank to waste and certainly don't want to affect family life with debt :(

Ok so thats my rant for today, lets hope tomorrow is a better one :)
ahh well today I feel okish again. I did what budge suggested and wrote a list, managed to clean all the kitchen then hoover everywhere, still got a stack load of laundry though :( save that for tomorrow.

Had a fuzzy head all day, looking forward to sleeping tonight. Still don't feel 100% though. Text OH today, gonna relax with each other tonight and have a glass of wine, on text he mentioned 'sexytime' (lol at that word) as soon as he did though I felt my mood dip :( Sex drive has gone for now. Hoping that will lift with my mood. I do feel slightly better than yesterday though so maybe tomorrow I'll feel better than today :pray:

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