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Post Natal Depression

Charlotte & Emily

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
i really need help
i think i may have PND but i dont want to tell anyone eg. my mum or doc because they may think im makin it up and il be so embarrassed!

ive read on the internet and i fit into most of the criteria for PND
for example, i cry all the time for no apparant reason, i cant concentrate and forget things like when emily last had her bottle, i dont sleep much even when emily is sleeping, i cant eat or ill just comfort eat and i generally just feel so down and that i cant cope.

whats worse is that i cant cope with emily, i have really bad thoughts and sometimes really want to shake her when she wont stop crying but i always put her down and cool off. im such a bad mum for thinking these things and i feel emily would be better off in care!

ive even been thinking about killing myself so i can be free from all these feeling.

Im sorry if ive offended anyone but i really need help and i have no friends i can turn to and i cant talk to my mum or doctor because i feel they'll just laugh at me.
Please talk to someone about this, your health visitor or GP, they will not laugh at you. Don't feel like a bad mum, we all find it difficult at times, it is perfectly normal, feel proud that you are recognising things might not be so good. Being a mum is really hard, all of a sudden having this little bean that is so totaly dependent on you so give yourself a break :hug: If you are not sleeping so well that can make things seem ten times worse too.
Good luck hun
Def speak to your HV or GP hun, they will not laugh at you - they are there to listen and support you.

As said above, you should be proud of yourself for noticing that things may not be as rosy as you would like.

Lots of love - you have made a brave step already :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw hun i think you shold definalty (sp) talk to your hv or gp they won't laugh at you they are here to help you....

You mite not have post-natal depression tho hun remember you have just broke up with your boyf and emily is still so young you could just have a touch of the baby blues that could clear in a few days

But stay strong hun you are doin a fantastic job with emily your a great mummy :) :hug:
as what the other ladies have said really above but please go speak to someone :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

If you ever need to talk or rant PM me hunni :hug: :hug:

your a great mum hun and emily knows that :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey hun,

iv just split up with my bloke n feel so down, i do also have PND but like everyone has said - u are an ace mum and defo should talk to ur Dr or Hv about it, of course they wont laugh, its what they are their for.
Like you, i was ashamed to tell anyone, i was told i had it last June, and finally told rob i had it 4 weeks ago :oops: n its kinda y we split i guess, cos i tired to hide everything from him - anyway please go talk to someone hun

If u ever wanna chat - i know what ur going throu, then pm me

Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww hun,like the others have said you are a great mummy & Emily knows you are, also she is still very young & you are learning something new everyday about being a Mummy.

with just splitting up with your boyfriend & recently giving birth & coping on your own with a newborn baby i think you are fantastic.

definately speak to your HV or your GP, you cannot leave this without speaking to someone bacause you could end up feeling worse, whereas if you get the help early you could prevent this & get better sooner.
sorry if i've rambled a bit.

you are fab & i send you a huge :hug:
we are all here for you :hug:
:hug: I would def. talk to your doctor about this, they are there to help & will do. They way you are feeling is very common & normal.
You have so many hormones shooting round your body it's bound to cause chaos & it does take your body several months to recover & get back to normal (Jamie's is 1 on Sat & I still have the line down my tummy, its faint but there nonetheless, so it goes to show how long it can take for our bodies to get back to normal:roll: either that or i'm weird :think: ) Give yourself time hun & it will get easier.

I have felt how you are feeling often & still do now. Having & caring for a baby is tough, so don't beat yourself up over not remembering things or having the odd emotional thought, you're human. :hug:
nt much else to add apart from what the girls have already said.

i hated telling my hv how i was feeling, but it felt so good to get it off my chest. im on anti-deps and i go to a group where we all have pnd. it really helps speaking to people who understand.

if you ever need a chat feel free to pm :hug: we will help you get through the bad days

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