OOOPSS... spending OH money again

Thats lush hun. If you're not on here for a few days i'll start ringing round the hospitals :rotfl:
How the hell can u afford all this? u selling ur body again hun? :rotfl: u know i love ya really :wink:
wow thats gorgeous..looks very comfy!! hmm it would go quite well in my front
Only you would buy a cream sofa with 2 kids under 2. You are completely nuts. :D

Sarah buys buggies and you buy sofas
You've saved a grand on it though, thats good! Just tell Kris that and it might soften the blow ha ha!

I like it, very nice!

We're still waiting for ours comin from DFS :(
That's nice hun!! I am thinking of a corner unit sofa when we get a new one, although not for another couple of years yet AND it depends if where we are!!

Looks comfy hun, enjoy it :wink: xx
I waited about 15 weeks for mine from DFS but I love it, I will post a pic later if I remember.

Doinne its lovely and a bargin, very good price!
My god love how may sofa's do you need!! :shock: I swear you have 2 and a chaise long (or whatever they're called) already! Gimme your othr ones :wink:

very nice though, rich arse :lol:
Sami said:
My god love how may sofa's do you need!! :shock: I swear you have 2 and a chaise long (or whatever they're called) already! Gimme your othr ones :wink:

very nice though, rich arse :lol:

i am getting rid of my old ones too. im keeping the chaise lounge but the other too im selling they are sofa beds to pull out into a double
That is gorgeous, wish my living room was big enough for a nice corner unit!
but im not rich sami lol i wish i was i just save up alot. i payed £100 on that sofa yesterday and will pay £300 when i get paid and then £300 again when i next get paid. iv had to sacrifise my big night out in birmingham this firday for that sofa
I think it's really nice, though would take up my entire front room :rotfl: My poor sad front room :lol:
A nite out costs u that much-u r a rich bitch! :wink:
hehehe it would cost me loads though i was going to get a new outfit. bout £100 then £60 on booze getting train there then taxi home :shock:
cost me loads...
right i hate it when people say im rich this is my money lol

i get £1000 a month from work kris gets £1100

kris pays every thing bills rent car and there is about £150 left over then my £1000 is to get us throught the month nappies milk shopping clothes ect. we dont smoke or drink so save alot of money there to. no credit cards or loans to pay
and this month im taking £300 out of our left over money to put down on sofa :D
dionne said:
but im not rich sami lol i wish i was i just save up alot. i payed £100 on that sofa yesterday and will pay £300 when i get paid and then £300 again when i next get paid. iv had to sacrifise my big night out in birmingham this firday for that sofa

LOL awww sorry I didn't mean it like that hun :hug:
I had to sacrifice my nights out for the rest of my life, I rarely ever go out :(

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