It is shocking when you look at what's going out because it's always a lot more than you imagine. I had more going out than I had coming in and I thought we were being careful!

Sorry missed the bit about your sofa :doh:
I remember sitting down to work out my out goings before we went bankrupt and i was shocked. Or bills alone came to about £300 a month more than was coming in and that was without food, clothes, petrol and other essentials. :shock:
kellie80 said:
I remember sitting down to work out my out goings before we went bankrupt and i was shocked. Or bills alone came to about £300 a month more than was coming in and that was without food, clothes, petrol and other essentials. :shock:

we dodnt know what was going out till i fiannally went to see money matters and in total we were -£500 withought food never mind the clothes petrol road tax and all that, thats why we have to go bankrupt and i just cant wait because at least we wont be able to get into anymore debt and with the hassle we had with the house it has put us of bying one unless we win the lottery wich with our luck will never happen :roll:
Dionne i know exactly how you are feeling, we were in the same boat when we were in Oz which was a reason for coming home we had enough money to live on and that was it our loans in this country were going into arrears, luckily for me at the minute i'm with mum and have got a well paid job until May so i'm hoping that i can clear my debts in this time as when i move up to west mids i wont be working, we're putting our names down for housing assocaiation as the rent is really cheap, i know you dont get reallt nice areas but some are not bad and with Dan being a police officer they can't put us somewhere really crap anyway. The rent is about £60 a week :)

As for your warrant, you need to go to your nearest police station early in the morning ie 7am or just before, tell then you think you might have a warrant for you arrest, if it is a no bail warrant the will arrest you and take you straight to court, if it's a bail warrant they will arrest you and bail you in other worde release you with a date and time to attend court, however if you dont get your warrant sorted they can arrest you and lock you up until the next court which means if you were arrested on a sat afternoon you would be kept in until a Mon morning, this is also the casi if you hand yourself in after prisoners have beeen taken to court you will be held until the next day so make sure you go early. If it is a bail warrant no matter what time of day it is you will get bailed to attend at afurther date and time, hope this makes sense if not email me. Also you will be circulated on pnc if there is a warrantout for you so you really need to go and find out, otherwise you could be going about your everyday life and be a witness to something, teh police will take your details and pnc you this will show your warrant and depending on the type of warrant will depend on waht happens as i said above.

Have a think about housing association it'll save you about 300 a month :)
dionne said:
eg i give kris £10 note to get bread and milk never see the change again it goes on munchies and take aways,

I dp my shopping on the internet and dont buy anything in the week.

I get 5 x 4pts of milk a week, 2 loafs, make all richies sandwiches once a week and freeze them...... this way i only spend £50 a week on shopping.... the good thing about interent shopping is, first, you dont have to do it!!! haha :dance: .... second, you can control how much u spend as it tallys up on the side... and if one week u spend too much u can just take some luxuries off.

It's amazing to see how many of us are in the s**t with money at the minute. Do you think if we print this topic off and show it to the kids when they grow into teenagers, they will appreciate what we have done for them?

As most of you know, we are now a family of 4 with a dog, and have been placed in temporary accomodation by the council after being evicted as our landlords were selling the house. We are in a 2 bedroom flat which is for over 55's and has been converted for a disabled person. We have no bath, just a converted disability shower with a chair in it! At the minute it's fine as we can all shower, and Charlie gets bathed in the living room, but how we are going to bath him with when he outgrows his babybath is beyond me. We also don't have room for his cot anywhere, so have no idea where he's going to sleep when he outgrows his moses basket. And money - well, don't get me started! I am also the major wage earner, and my wages dropped to £108.85 per week this week. After my pension gets taken out, I'll only come out with just under £400 per month - a drop of £1000! The monthly bills are £534.66, and normally I pay these, but won't bring enough in anymore. Unless I start counting benefits. Once I get Charlie's child benefit, I'll be getting about £110 per month, and £92 child tax credit. But for years now, when I get the child benefit, I've always took Kayleigh clothes shopping. That may sound a lot on clothes every month, but believe me, it isn't when you have a growing teenager. This months money has gone on a coat and 2 pairs of jeans. How am I going to tell her that she is going to be missing out because of her brother coming and me not working? DH only brings home about £200 per week, and he will have to pay the rent out of this (luckily, only £52.45 per week for this flat), so that will leave us £150 per week for food, nappies, formula, clothes, running 2 cars (yes we do need them both so can't sell one), credit cards (ran up a bit when we moved), and any other little things that crop up! Oh, and the hoover is on its last legs, and the washer is making horrible noises! :roll:

But, we have each other, and nothing can take that away. :hug:
Did you get your sure start matenity grant. You probably wont have been applicable before your wages dropped but you might be now. Have you let tax credits know about the drop in your earnings? You would be calculating it from what you will take home wage wise from April 2006 to April 2007. You probably know this anyway seing it was you that old me about the maternity leave and pay :lol:
aw Dionne..i know how you feel, i wouldnt even be able to afford a 9.50 holiday!

i got screwed outta my maternity pay so we're just living on OHs wages..he works in a pub and he is literally always at work he comes home at like 3 in the morning and sometimes has to be in at 7 to open the next day as they open at 9 (bl*ody alcoholics!) so he hardly gets to see me or hayden and i'm still waiting for my child benefit and child tax credits not that they are much anyway! council tax is evil...i spoke to the council and got it lowered from 135 to 90..maybe you are entitled to have it lowered a bit esp as your mat pay is going down now!
me and oh are considering moving above his pub as it would be soo much cheaper council tax would only be 12 quid and rent would be 85 a week...atm mine is 180 a week! i'm upset coz we done the nursery up so nice and hayden hasnt even slept in there yet :( and i love my flat...its just too expensive for us without my mat pay!

anyway sorru hun i went on a bit.... point being..i know how u feel i am skint as anything, i'm sure there are loads of us in the same boat!!
:x :x
I too know how you feel.

We're currently nearly £1000 overdrawn...and we don't even have an overdraft so they keep charging us overdrawn charges ontop of that.

I haven't paid any electricity or water since about April

I've missed my last ntl, gas, and council tax payments

Phil owes money to this company that he was doing a course through before (that went wrong) and they keep sending us letters saying they are going to take us to court.

Literally EVERY week we have to borrow money from his mother.

Plus we've been living with absolutely no central heating or hot water since Christmas eve. Our boiler broke then (fecking marvellous time for it to break) and we can't afford to get it fixed, so we have to go round to my mother's house and his mother's house to get showers, and we have to boil kettles to wash dishes. We have little electric heaters in our rooms, but it uses up so much electricity that we daren't put them on much, so we all have to wear shedloads of jumpers when it's a cold day.
seems alot of people are in the same boat!!

Hope all of you manage to get everything sorted - especially you guys who are going to be evicted :cry: good luck guys!

Dionne, I dont know your circumstances, it may not be an option, but any chance of you going back to work early, even part time? personally, i wanted a year off, but will only beable to have 6 months, and thats only because I get an insurance policy maturing which will sub the crap mat pay otherwise I would have to go back after 3 months I recon as our incommings would not cover the outgoings (I like you am the main bread winner but only by a few hundred). Council tax is crap, but unfortunatly your more likley to go to prison for that than doing something actually illegal imo (i.e robbing people, possesion (pete doethy anyone)).

Can you not get a job cash in hand...........would only work if you had someone to look after the kids mind.

After reading these woe's from you all, im planning on saving some of my wage now (the money I used to spend down the pub mainly lol) to keep for when im on mat.

good luck to all you guys though, hope you get sorted out!
We have been in similar situations as i put in my post in the off topic we are now going to be renting o 3 bedroom house but the trouble is we have to stump up 1100 for 3.30pm this afternoon i mean wtf are we going to get that kind of money too :shock: and its going to be hard once we move as all the out goings we have at the moment total to just over 1200 and we only have just under 1500 coming in that will now leave us 300 to pay bills, rent shopping food etc for the lo's and im so worried how we are going to manage but i cant stay with the inlaws for any longer we need to get away as its causing more arguments than ever between me and the o/h we have been in debt also from our last place with money owing from the gas electric, council tax, bt which have now all been payed which was hard as it left us with not alot and i still owe anglian water 358 and i just dont have the money blooming next took the last of my money yesterday for a paymeny i owed them and now i have nothing i have no baby milk no nappie's we have no food im so upset aswell at the fact that they wouldnt except payments and that either the hard cow told me it had to be payed in full no other way i tried explaining to her that i had my lo's to condider and she wasnt bothered at all :cry: i just hope for any of us that are in similar situiations that i have read so far (no thats wrong) i mean im sure we will sort something out i have faith in all of us knowing that we will get by and through our problems we are all strong ladies dont give up hope -xxx- :D
Unpopular reply coming up I will take cover after this.

having a baby is so expensive and it does annoy me how maternity pay isn't linked to your previous salary so that it does not just go down to flat rate of 100 pound a month but goes down to say 50 percent of previous salary but that is just my opinion.

Now unpopular bit I would have liked longer off with baby but just couldn't afford it so had to go back to work before rate went to 100 pound a week. (THAT's LIFE You have to make choices). Also I have read some replies which say they are in debt and trying for 2nd baby this I find a bit disturbing I tried to wait until I was OK finacially (not well off just OK) because I knew life would become more difficult and expensive with a baby. Please reconsider trying for a child until your situation is a bit better. I know there is no 'right' time to have a child but I do urge you to think carefully and like Sami has done work out all your finances really carefully.
Freya said:
Unpopular reply coming up I will take cover after this.

having a baby is so expensive and it does annoy me how maternity pay isn't linked to your previous salary so that it does not just go down to flat rate of 100 pound a month but goes down to say 50 percent of previous salary but that is just my opinion.

Now unpopular bit I would have liked longer off with baby but just couldn't afford it so had to go back to work before rate went to 100 pound a week. (THAT's LIFE You have to make choices). Also I have read some replies which say they are in debt and trying for 2nd baby this I find a bit disturbing I tried to wait until I was OK finacially (not well off just OK) because I knew life would become more difficult and expensive with a baby. Please reconsider trying for a child until your situation is a bit better. I know there is no 'right' time to have a child but I do urge you to think carefully and like Sami has done work out all your finances really carefully.

I do agree with you there mate.

We were comfortable before, and know we can just about scrape by and pay the mortgage / bills / food and essentials etc if I take 6 months of but then go back. I would love to take 9 months or a year off but we just cant afford it and as sad as it may sound I would rather spend a few hours leff a week with my bubs and provide a secure home life than stay off work and get in debt, evicted and end up with no where to live! If we knew there was no way it could be afforded we would have tried for a bubs.
Freya said:
Also I have read some replies which say they are in debt and trying for 2nd baby this I find a bit disturbing I tried to wait until I was OK finacially (not well off just OK) because I knew life would become more difficult and expensive with a baby. Please reconsider trying for a child until your situation is a bit better. I know there is no 'right' time to have a child but I do urge you to think carefully and like Sami has done work out all your finances really carefully.

Although we do have money difficulties, Lydia doesn't suffer for this, nor would a sibling if we have one. She always has clean clothes to wear, playthings, food to eat (not crap food either), a bed to sleep in, and a family who adore her.
Sorry Xena no offence meant. I personally just couldn't live like that and make a conscious decision to have a nother child which would increase my outgoings. i am a real worrier and it would send me over the edge. I don't doubt that the children are loved and cared for but with such a strain on me I would be short tempered and worried about everything I spent which would mean miserable lives for all of us!!
thisis going to sound really crap but Colby wasnt planned, but im glad she is hear and we love her so much. Things happen in life for a reason!

I would have loved to have waited till Adele was at school and had a fair amount of money behind us before trying for Colby but it just didnt happen that way.

Afterthe bankrupcy is final and we mopve house we will be better off i mean lets faceit all we will be paying is £40 a week rent and £20 a week council tax car insurance gas leccy phone and net and we will still have just over £200 for food clothes ect every week, so this is why im saying things happen in life for a reason i believe we got into all this mess OH lost his job but found a better paying one us geting evicted and everything else but looks like its going to be a brighter future for us, ok it will take a long while for us to be abele to get our new house how we want it but i dont care how long it takes because everything will bebought with cash we have earned and wont be getting anymore debt cos we cant anyway.

As yous say their is never a right time to have a baby and if you keep hanging of and hanging off other things come up and by the time you feel is the right time you never know it might be too late i dunno but thats just my opinion on it
Freya said:
Sorry Xena no offence meant. I personally just couldn't live like that and make a conscious decision to have a nother child which would increase my outgoings. i am a real worrier and it would send me over the edge. I don't doubt that the children are loved and cared for but with such a strain on me I would be short tempered and worried about everything I spent which would mean miserable lives for all of us!!

it's okay I didn't take offence lol.
I do know why you said it because I used to think the same way. I always said I would finish uni and be financially stable with a really nice house with a big garden etc. before having kids....
but Lydia came along, totally unplanned, and somehow you just manage!
I hate being financially unstable, but I know that Lydia never suffers because of it, so I'm not worried about trying for another child. You muddle through together as a family.
(Of course if you're totally homeless and destitute it's probably not a good idea to TTC!! but that's extreme.)
I agree so I am going to be unpopular too! I had to return to work when Rebecca was 4 months old-full time cause we couldn't live off 100 per week. Dale and I are paying out 1400 a month on mortgage, ctax, nursery fees, car (finance) bills etc. It needs to be done. We have loans and ccards which we pay off a bit per month. But I can hold my head high, I got myself in shit, I am working hard to get myself out of it. Its a long road but that's life. But if people r in sooo much money troubles why have more kids or ttc another? :think:

Id love another child but there is no way on this earth I would contemplate ttc a 2nd until we were more financially stable.

Im going to hide now! :hug:
Glad I am not the only one Karrina!! Sometimes I think I am quite unsympathetic but I think that is because I have worked hard and done without to get to a situation where I am OK off and sometimes I think people want it all and want someone else to pay for it. Life has taught me that you cant have everything you want you have to make difficult choices and sacrifices!
Dionne hun you are not alone my friend's OH set her up a spreadsheet to use and she let me have it too. It;s great, it's set up for you to put in all your outgoings and it calculates what you are left with etc. If you want me to send it to you I can do, PM me with your email address.


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